
Hello there, world!

It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted anything here, but I say that just about every time that I post anything. I think about posting almost every day, but I always feel that it’s been so long since I last posted that I get overwhelmed and tired just thinking about it so then I don’t post anything. Vicious cycle, isn’t it? So since there is so much…life that has happened since I last posted, I will just talk about today!

It was one of the busiest days we have ever had. Not so much in terms of numbers, but the numbers for sure were not bad, but in terms of that ohmygoodnesswearegoingtodie feeling. It’s hard to explain what it feels like if you’ve never worked in the service industry, but the only way I can really explain how I feel in those moments when we are just way too overwhelmed with orders and that everything is just happening at once is that feeling when you’re in the ocean, and you are already kind of being pulled around and then you see this HUGE wave coming and you know it’s going to hit you and all you can do is hold your breath and let it take you and you sort of can’t breath? That’s how I feel at work sometimes.

Today there was a line for a good 2 hours of the day…a line that bascially just didn’t move and the reason it didn’t move is because we really can’t handle people sitting at the tables while also taking care of delivery orders and ALSO managing the people waiting outside. I always feel so incredibly overwhelmed in those moments and then I feel guilty for not being able to help every person (some people left after waiting in the line). I want to please everyone. I want everything to be perfect. I want our employees to be happy and not super stressed, but on the weekend none of that happens. We are ALWAYS thinking of new ways to make things run more smoothly, but when that wave comes, not much helps to stop it.

Also I always think about the things we did wrong…I need to focus on all of the hundreds of things we did right.

I accidentally charged someone twice for a sandwich and obviously didn’t realize until they came back an hour later.

For the same person, we put mayo on a sandwich that they had ordered without mayo.

We made a deliveroo driver wait an insane amount of time for an order.

That’s all that comes to mind so I guess it isn’t so bad.

Anyway, I am exhausted and need to shower and sit down and not get back up for at least 12 hours.

Oh wait, I have to be at work at 6:30 am…

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