How to: Not Get to the Point of Uncomfortable Food Baby on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving might be one of the best days of the year…the stuffing…the pies…the mac & cheese…football…drinks…family (sometimes), but nothing NOTHING is worse than that food baby that makes you so uncomfortable you want to vomit.  You know you’ve been there and you know you vow every year not to get to THAT point.  Right before that point is A-ok, but that food toddler point is just too much.

With that being said, here are my ways for avoiding that point.  I made a conscious effort to put these into effect last year and I will do the same this year.  These aren’t intended for any other reason that avoiding being SO uncomfortable.

1. Exercise before the big meal! 

Trust me, this is a big one.  Not only does it get your metabolism going, but it releases endorphins that leave you feeling high and mighty and less likely to completely wreck yourself.  In the past, I’ve done turkey trots with the whole family, as well as just gone to the gym for a quick workout.  If you’re in the Philadelphia area, here are some Turkey Trots you can participate in: Face to Face Turkey Trot // Fairmount Park Turkey Trot //  Abington YMCA Gobble Wobble  PLUS you get to dress like a turkey!


2. Eat breakfast and a light lunch before actual Thanksgiving.

If you are on the “I don’t eat all day and then STUFF myself with food” wagon, you are definitely setting yourself up for disaster.  You’re probably better with a normal-sized breakfast and a light lunch to hold you over until the feast.  That will also help curb your desire to eat every appetizer in sight and then be full before you get to dinner…

Which brings me to…

3. Don’t go nuts over the appetizers.

I only say this because I do it every year and it ruins dinner.  You will most likely (definitely) go all out with everything during the main meal, so why fill up on appetizers.  Don’t completely resist them, but you’ve probably had Ritz crackers and cheese before and you know what they taste like.  Am I right?


4. Stick to lighter drinks.

Ah the drinks.  Nothing more fun than drunk family members!  Bhuuut, they also really, really fill you up, and for me- I get super bloated and full.  I might have one drink before dinner and then drink during and after dinner.

5.  A sample instead of a serving.

So many sides!  So many new dishes!  So much to choose from!  I love Thanksgiving because there is so much good food, but I also have a habit of taking extra large portions of everything because it all looks so good and then….I can’t finish it all.  Just take a little bit of everything and go back for more if you still want it.


6.  Take a walk between dinner and dessert.

This one helps so much!  We always have dogs at Thanksgiving, so a couple times during the night, my dad and I will take a walk with the dogs and get moving.  It feels good to lie down on the couch and loosen the top button on your pants, but walking also helps move some of that food around.

And if all else fails, remember; wear stretchy pants, lie on the couch, and suffer in peace.

Am I missing anything?

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