Lately Photodump


I am so happy to finally be on here and I know you´re just oh so happy, as well.  I have been trying to udate at various points during the week, but between a laptop that was probably one of the first models ever created that runs like it has 1000 viruses, a tablet that autocorrects all of my words to other words, and a phone that is impossible to write from, getting on here has been close to impossible.  I actually wrote most of a post from that soviet union computer, but none of it saved.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Not that I really have anything important to say, and as my mom pointed out, all I talk about is food.  So let´s keep that theme going, shall we?  I´m going to also throw in some pictures from the sunny days we have been having here that I am abslutely loving. It´s actually 80* and sunny today, but I´m sitting in the public library computer room with a group of people that smell like they haven´t bathed in awhile.  There is even a sign on the wall ¨reminding¨people of their personal hygiene.  Gross..

I guess I´ll back up about a week…

I got my hair relaxed!  Again!

From the beginning…IMG_3561

Midway…IMG_3562 IMG_3563

To the end..IMG_3566

Of course it´s not as straight anymore, but I am very happy.

The following day (last Saturday), I went with mi amiga Ashley and her coworkers to hang out at the San Isidro festival.  Who is San Isidro? you ask?  Well…I have no idea.  But there was a lot of food and drinking and music in his honor.IMG_3590IMG_3577And I even got the chance to hold a stranger´s baby!!!  IMG_3584He was thrilled.

Sunday, I did lots of things solo.  Went to Starbucks to study, went for a long walk…IMG_3600#balconygoals

Made some sort of chicken/broccoli/pepper stir-fry with rice noodles and a soy-ginger sauce….IMG_3614

Went for a run as the sun was setting…IMG_3611And felt incredibly fast (for me).  I don´t know why!!  My runs have been slow lately, but I felt like I was sprinting.

Probably because my body knew there would be a ton of bread and cheese in my future…IMG_3628Ashley and I spent a few hours hanging out in El Retiro on Monday, since I only worked 1 hour.  The temperature was perfect, but that baguette and cheese were even more perfect.  Rest assured, we ate EVERYTHING.IMG_3631IMG_3637

I felt full for HOURS after all of that, so the next day, I balanced it out with a biiiig salad…IMG_3641

And on Thursday afternoon, I went for a run through the park…IMG_3657

Look!!!  I am Spanish!!!IMG_3672IMG_3681White shoes with dark pants!  Never thought it would happen.

Other than that, I have been spending un monton de tiempo outside.IMG_3678 IMG_3688 IMG_3687If I ever complain about my life, smack me.

Drinks…. 🙂IMG_3685

Y ya esta.  Life is so good, and only getting better.  My next post won´t be about food, mom.  (But the one after that will be…!)IMG_3552

Have a happy weekend!!!



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