Off to Peru.

Happy Thursday!  

It’s almost the weekend!  What will you be doing?

I’m just popping in to share some exciting news with everyone that is not already aware:world1

Tomorrow, I will be leaving for a one month trip to Cusco, Peru!  I will be staying with a host family and volunteering with children in a daycare or orphanage setting!  I am volunteering through International Volunteer HQ, a program that has been highly recommended for years and I know a few people that have traveled through the company.

I’ve had this trip planned for months and it kind of snuck up on me, so that’s why I am suddenly sharing the details.

My plan for the blog:  I will be using A Spoonful of TLC as a diary of sorts to share pictures and details about all of my adventures.  I hear internet is not hard to find in Peru, so I shouldn’t have trouble blogging.  Of course, I want to experience as much as I can while I’m there, so the posts may be sporadic.

I hope you will check back regularly and come along for the journey!  Thanks for reading!


p.s. If you need to reach me, please e-mail me at

p.p.s I made carrot juice and I think it’s really pretty!DSC_0330-001

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