Where I’ve Been

Ooops, I took a little unplanned hiatus there, didn’t I?  Besides the Italy posts (and this post), I’ve been pretty MIA.  I’ve been busy, but also not busy, doing fun things, but also not enough to write about.  Sometimes I lose my momentum for this blog, and then other times I have 5 posts waiting […]

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Grandma Thoughts

I have this theory that Spanish people have (what I LOVINGLY refer to as) grandma thoughts.  As in, they believe in things that….aren’t true, but to them they are true and if you don’t do them (or do do them), you will get sick, go to hell, or die. Or all three.  I call them […]

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Italy: Portofino

After Cinque Terre, we were off to what ended up being the BEST city we visited- Portofino! Portofino is absolutely beautiful, with it’s crystal clear water and bright colored buildings.  Everyone goes gaga for Cinque Terre, but I really thought this little place takes the cake.  In terms of things to do and see, no- […]

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Italy: Vernazza, Cinque Terre

After Lucca, we were off to the city (or should I say, cities) that I was MOST excited for!  Cinque Terre.  You know, the 5 incredibly bright colored cities on the coast of Italy? If you want to read about Cinque Terre and the history, click here. But let’s back up.  After leaving Lucca, we […]

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