Flying By

I have been on my winter break for over a week now and the time is just completely flying by. This is the first time in a long time that I have nothing planned. No job, no volunteering, no schedule and it’s amazing. I usually get very anxious with too much time or no set […]

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It’s finals week, which means that I should be studying, but I haven’t been. I’ve been doing a lot of “studying”. Studying” (noun); watching tv, reading, coloring, staring at my text books. The act of looking like studying is happening, but it’s not.    It’s an art I’ve mastered.

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Testing: 1, 2, 3

Wow, it’s been…months since I have posted anything.  It wasn’t the right time for me to blog.  I set high expectations for myself and got discouraged when they weren’t met (ie: blog three times per day and get bunches and bunches of comments).  It just doesn’t happen like that and maybe (hopefully) this time around, […]

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