HAPPY TUESDAY! (started this post yesterday, but never finished) I was just here chattin’ with ya’ll last…Thursday? Or was it Friday? I’ve loss track since time is completely flying past, despite my greatest wishes (as mentioned in the last post). Part of it is due to being so busy with Bruja’s Bakery, and the other […]
Checking In V.
Making: pumpkin pie for daaaayyyyyyyyyyyyz. I decided to start a little business- Bruja’s Bakery (from idea –> business –> closing the business in less than two weeks. Just for Thanksgiving. I am selling pumpkin pie, pumpkin-cream cheese rolls, Nutella-stuffed blondies annnnnnd raspberry-oatmeal crumble bars. And for this week and next week, I feel like I’m drowning […]
A Weekend in Lyon, France: Part II
So, where were we? OH yeah, talking about food and cheese and wine. That was basically the theme of day two in Lyon… Obviously, I was happy about that. The day started with breakfast of the oatmeal and coffee variety (bonuses of being in an airbnb vs. hotel) And continued through the city, past the […]
A Weekend in Lyon, France.
Another amazing, whirlwind of a weekend in the books! Luis and I spent a three day weekend in Lyon, France. It was the perfect combination of site-seeing, eating all of the cheese and pastries, and relaxing. Below you will find the details and pictures! I feel so incredibly grateful to have this opportunity to travel […]
Bilbao and San Sebastian Weekend (Part II)
Hi! Just catching up? Here is part I. We took a early afternoon bus from Bilbao to San Sebastian on Sunday morning (tip: buy tickets ahead of time because they sell out and then you either need to purchase tickets with the more expensive company or you need to book a “deluxe” bus). The bus […]
Bilbao and San Sebastian Weekend.
Hey all! Happy FRIDAY! It’s been a great week that has absolutely flown by, just like today has! I was going to write this post at 10 a.m. this morning, but alas, it is almost 7:30 pm. Better late than never. Or not. You don’t care either way. So! Last weekend I met my parents […]
Living on an Auxiliar Salary: October 2016 Budget Report
When friends and friends of friend’s contact me to ask about working as an auxiliar in Spain, one thing they always ask is: “is 1000 Euros enough to live on in Spain?” or “is the auxiliar salary enough?”. In general, it is enough. But you can’t do it ALL on the auxiliar salary (I’m saying […]
How Things are Going- Part Dos.
Helloooooo From the other side……………… Haha. Every time I say “hello” to my students, inevitably, one will say “from the other side”. It’s a good song. Another good song? This Wake Me Up cover by Avicii. It was the cool down song in today’s Glutes and Legs class and I just about started crying while […]
Applying for Spanish Citizenship Due to Sephardic Origin: The DELE A2 Exam
I have been in the process of applying for my Sephardic Spanish Citizenship for the last couple of years. While it is no easy process, it’s totally doable. In these series of posts, I am recapping how I am applying for Sephardic Spanish Citizenship and my experience. I took the DELE A2 exam yesterday! It […]
Good Resources for Teaching ESL Classes
Last year, I spent a lot of time just randomly doing Google searches to find materials for my private lessons-basically, where to find good resources for teaching ESL classes. This year, I have done a better job of finding websites that continuously have good materials for private lessons. You know, materials that don’t have random ads all […]