Breakfast of Champions

A delicious breakfast in less than 5 minutes! Ingredients Olive oil Garlic Onion A few handfuls of kale 2 eggs 1/2 cup cooked potatoes Cheese of choice Directions 1. Saute onion and/or garlic in the olive oil 2. Add the kale and cook it until soft.  I added water to steam it a bit 3. […]

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Friendsgiving 1 & 2, Thanksgiving 1 & 2

This weekend (and last!) was full of food, drinks, and friends, family, and Rass.  Just the way it should be. Friendsgiving #1 Last Friday was a busy go-go-go day because I had school, then tried to get some homework done, then rushed home like a chicken with my head cut off to make food before […]

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All About Keratin Hair Treatments.

Have you ever wanted to have straight hair, or just have hair that doesn’t completely frizz at the slightest sight of humidity?  Same.  That’y why I love keratin hair treatments- they take the frizz out of my hair, but leave the waviness and I have been doing them for years.  I guess you could call […]

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Hola! Better late than never for this post, right? It’s been a hot second since I’ve done a weekend post and this past weekend I not only did fun things, bhuuuuut I also took pictures.  The stars aligned for this post, huh? Friday I played hooky 🙂  I went to the gym with Russ bright […]

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Friday Favorites 11/7/2014

HI.  I hope your week flew by as quickly as mine did.  Having Mondays off from school makes the week zip on by and here we are…FRIDAY!  I don’t have any major plans for the weekend, though.  Russ and I are hoping to get dinner somewhere tonight because its been a hot minute since we’ve […]

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Lately 2.0

Too long, too long since any sort of “life update”.  I swear, the days and weeks have never gone by so fast in my entire life, but it’s also FUN!  School is a lot of work, but it’s balanced out.  Surprisingly enough, my favorite class (or the class that makes most sense) is orgo, then […]

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Since everyone is well aware of my dedicated love affair with breakfast, I thought it would be nice to change things up and share some weekly lunches!  I usually spend the majority (read:the entire) day at school and I have a goal to never spend money on food…so…I carry it all in my handy dandy […]

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