At the new Mazál (or Mazál 2, as we call it), we have this biiiiig green wall that has some night lamps, but nothing else on it. At one point it was going to be wall-papered, then it was to be tiled, then it was to be painted with this weird paint, then we just painted it green because I was having some major decision fatigue and just wanted it to be done. So green it is.

And I am happy with the color and the way it looks, but now that time has passed, I think it needs some love. Originally I thought we could fill it with the quirky bagel posters that we had in the first Mazál, but I like that this new Mazál feels cleaner, more mature, and with a defined theme, so putting those colorful posters wouldn’t really go. So I have been thinking about what would go and I thought black and white pictures, but pictures of what? I really like things with a meaning or a story to tell, so I considered putting pictures of the story of Mazál and how it came to be- and that would include Luis, me, my family, bagels, New York, travel.
Here are some pictures I found while browsing way back when on the blog and through my photos. I don’t want it to look like a shrine or anything like that. I just want it to be interesting. What do you think?

It would look something like this (at least in my mind):

And don’t worry, those fun quirky posters have a place downstairs where they are loved by many.