A Day in the Life: December 2018

Good morning!  I hope you are all having a productive Thursday, but holding on for the weekend, which is coming in fast!  This is one of those weeks that doesn’t feel so bad since the next few weeks are holidays and a lot of festive, fun plans are on the agenda.  I always loved the warm energy that surrounds the holidays and the hustle and bustle of people getting ready for whatever they may be doing this holiday season.  People are friendlier, warmer, and generally better people around this time.  I also want to soak it up because I know things sort of go down-hill in terms of excitement once January comes, and it just gets cold and dreary.  Anyway, I wanted to share another day in the life post, which gives you a glimpse into a regular Wednesday around here.  Monday to Thursday are usually pretty similar, so this would be a ‘normal’ day.

7.07: alarm…snooze…. and snooze until 7.45 or 8.

8.00: get up because the sunrise looks AMAZING.A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLCThen go to the bathroom, take iron pills (doctor told me to do it).  Make my way to the kitchen.  On most days, I have an order or two to take care of for Bruja’s Bakery, so this would be the time that I do that.  I turn on the oven and start boiling water (if I am making bagels), while Luis eats breakfast.  I’m not the friendliest person when I first wake up, so we don’t chat much.

Until 8.30: work on bagels, make dough for the next day if I need to.  At 8.30, Luis leaves for the day.  I continue to work on bagels, challah, cookies, etc.  This is also the time I will cook if I want to cook something.  On Wednesday, I made baked tofu with tofu that was about to expire, a healthy chocolate pie as a tester recipe, and some homemade almond butter.

A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC 

This was my first time making almond butter in Spain because the food processors are a lot less durable, but it held up.  It’s not super smooth, but I didn’t want the machine to overheat.  Other days I might make stir-frys, tomato sauce and gnocchi or pasta, quiche (Monday), etc.

9.00: take a break for breakfast- these days, breakfast is looking like a slice of homemade challah with cream cheese and black coffee.

A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC

10.30: finish cooking and cleaning the kitchen, so I move on to other things, but usually first clean up things around the house.  I CANNOT focus if things are messy and disorganized, so I clean off the big table, put away my coat and shoes, clean up the bathroom, and clean off the desk where I work.  

11.00: on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I use the 11-12 hour for exercise, either by going to the gym for a class that kicks my a$$, or by going for a run.  Since this is a Wednesday, I go for a walk, but get dressed in adult clothes first.  I usually combine my walking with errands, so today I walk to Casa Ruiz to pick up more chocolate chips for upcoming orders.A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC

12.00: Back at home and time for a snack- yogurt with banana.

12.00-14.00: work on the computer, which includes a healthy combination of wasting my time on Facebook and scrolling Instagram and getting sucked into time traps, but also writing on my blog, promoting Bruja’s Bakery on Instagram, writing this post, and updating my various websites.  I also take photos of the BABKE I made!A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC 

I call this ‘time to do work you don’t get paid for’….

14.00-14.30: I make and eat lunch.  Usually I have a salad or leftovers, so with so much food in the house, I have mushroom quiche with a side of sauteed kale and roasted carrots which I had roasted on Monday.

A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC

Don’t look at my nails.

14.30-15.45: continue ‘working’- writing this blog post, uploading and editing photos, updating my various Excel spreadsheets.

15.45: finish getting ready- put on make up, fix my hair, make a small sandwich, fill my water bottle, collect my things to go to school.

16.10: leave home to meet my friend, Ana, to walk to school together.  It’s about a 40 minute walk, but we walk most days together.

16.15- 17.00: walk with Ana and talk about our projects and our lives.

17.00- 20.00: class.  Today we are learning about operational marketing, but the teacher likes to talk A LOT and while I find the content interesting, I’m not sure we are actually learning anything in this part of the class.  We do have time to work in groups and talk about our projects, so that is beneficial.

20.10: leave school and walk home fast because I (think) I have dinner plans … they ended up falling through!  Sometimes I take the bus, but I felt like walking.

20.45: arrive home.  Quickly drop my things, say hi to Luis and prepare dinner for myself.  He’s already eaten because I was supposed to have dinner with friends, but plans fell through.

21.00-21.30: dinner!  A salad with a side of gnocchi with olive oil and salt.  And a side of Luis.

A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC

21.30-22.00: We sit and chat in the kitchen while each drinking our respective gold liquid of choice.

A Day in the Life A Spoonful of TLC

23.00-23.30: watch Netflix with Luis!  We are currently addicted to a dumb TV show.

24.00: SLEEP!  I’m exhausted by now.

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