Say What 3

I did a few of these ¨Say What¨posts in the beginning of the year, when the things that my students would say would shock me.

I´m more used to them now, but this one was too good not to write…

While teaching the kids about the future tense using ´I will´and ´I´m going to´….


Me:  I want everyone to tell me one thing you are GOING TO do this summer.

Student 1:  I´m going to go to the beach…

Student 2: I´m going to go swimming…

etc., etc.

Last student in the group, with a huge smile on his face:  I´m going to f**k my sister!


After some clarification and laughter on my part, we determined that he meant to say ¨I am going to bother my sister (or annoy my sister)¨.

My dad suggested that maybe it was a bad translation, but a bad translation of the verb molestar would be ¨I am going to molest my sister¨

Not sure which is worse…

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