Today was Stressfull, with a capital S and emphasis on Full. It didn’t start out stressfully (not sure if that is a word, but let’s go with it), but it got stressfull very quickly when I opened the first bin of bagels (we store them in fermentation bins overnight) to see that someway, somehow, some of the bagels “exploded” overnight. This means that the dough sort of….explodes and looks awful. I would post a picture, but I don’t want anyone from Forbes to see it when they do the Billionaires interview with me for their 30 under 30 sometime in the next 14 months…..then I will no longer be under 30. Sad.
Anyway, this can happen for a few reasons, but most likely that the temperature of the refrigerator was not cold enough because our fridges are half of my age (or more). The fridge guy is coming tomorrow to fix them (because the one that seems to have exploded my bagels was also our last working fridge…two other have been down for about a week. He will likely tell us that the fridges need gas, but the problema is that our fridges use a kind of gas that a) no longer exists and b) if it does exist, it’s not sold because it’s illegal. So he has to find it on the black market, if he can.
I just took a 30 minute break to google refrigerators and then started reading bagel recipes. It is one of THOSE days, where I start reading and printing bagel recipes like I have no idea what the hell I’m doing (I don’t). So anyway, we had a lot less bagels than we were supposed to have and today we had a lot of reservations and I moved half of the reservations to tomorrow, but today was so busy for a Wednesday and we were almost sold out by 11 am. I mean, it’s a good thing, but not when we didnt have a lot of bagels to begin with. I always feel like….2 pm …. is an OK time to sell out, but before then, people make snarky comments about us being a “panadería sin pan” (Spanish old ladies make these comments).
Sooooo it was a long day. We didn’t have iced coffee. The other refrigerator broke so we had to move everything into one refridgerator table which made it impossible to find what we needed in that refrigerator table (as in, someone orders a salmon bagel and we are pulling out blocks of cheese and containers of lemonade to get to the tomatoes). And it was hot. And it poured on my bike ride to work (I should have known at this point…), and I left to get stuff for 3 minutes and there was a long line out the door when I came back, and we made 150 bagels and put them into a somewhat cold refrigerator and….tomorrow this might be a repeat story.
And then I made a chicken stirfry for dinner because I was feeling like doing something that was not work and this is momentus because I never cook anything EVER anymore and I was almoooost done and decided to add a dash of rice vinegar to it and…almost the entire bottle got dumped. So I hope Luis likes vinegar
On a brighter note, Luis and I went to Barganzo for dinner on Monday night- it’s a semi new (kosher) Israeli restaurant that opened in Madrid and it was delicious!!!
I posted about them on my business Instagram because I want to support them and I want to make sure they stay around.
Another fancier (Zahav type) restaurant also just opened-called Fayer (it’s a cross between Argentinian and Jerusalem (Israeli), they say), which I find interesting. Looking forward to trying it as well! And also, I went to the pool yesterday and got some sun and it was a complete zoo. Fun.
Alright, my rant is over. I am going to take a shower because I smell like everything bagel spice and frustration. And for fun, here is Luis in his work uniform (for a video call).
1 Comment
Wow, I don’t know how it took me this long to find this blog you run outside of making the best bagels in Madrid. This post was hilarious. 30 under 30, illegal gas, you should do stand up when you’re not making bagels!