This winter was so brutally cold and long that I spent a lot of time wishing for summer to hurry up and get here and thinking about all the fun things I would be doing when it finally turned warm and sunny. Since I’m oh so creative, I pictured the beach and lots of time doing outdoorsy things. This last week has been exactly what I’ve been picturing, and I’m actually typing up this post from the beach!
Backing up to last week….
Everyone who’s anyone took the MCAT last Friday (except me….) so (naturally) we celebrated. I dug up my inner college girl and made Jell-O shots. Needless to say, they went quickly. It was a good night, but word to the wise: don’t mix sangria, beer, more beer….just don’t.
i was up the next day to go hiking with my two favorite people from college!
After the hike, we did a BBQ that almost wasn’t a BBQ, but then was a BBQ. Do you follow?Like usual, it was so good to see Bobby and Christine.
On Sunday, I worked alllll day. It was completely exhausting, but the time passes quickly and I love watching people dance at weddings. I think there should be a type of dance called “white people wedding dancing”, because I promise you, it’s a thing. It’s DEFINITELY a thing 😉
On Sunday night, I passed out and then woke up Monday to go to the beach with my Jefferson friends! I had been looking forward to getting to the beach all winter long and going with friends is that much more fun. Andrew’s family has an apartment that he graciously allowed us all to stay in, so I was super excited to get going! We made tacos, pico de gallo and guacamole on the first night. After filling up on chips and guac/ pico, I wasn’t super hungry so I had a taco salad…because if food is there I must eat it.
To keep up the Mexican theme, we (obviously) had margaritas, which Andrew took VERY seriously.
We spent time on the beach, drank, played games, etc. etc.
On Tuesday morning, I got up to go for a run. I’ve been really slacking on working out this week between working (but I maintain my position that working for a catering company is a workout!!!) and going to school. I ended up covering just over 5 miles in Cape May and loved looking at the cute houses and businesses.
After the run….breakfast time!!!
Basically leftover tacos + eggs.
And before we knew it, we were heading home.
Or actually, we were heading out to dinner for a sort of “goodbye dinner” for Cecil! He’s become such a close friend over the course of the year and has been more than generous with his house and his futon and everything in between. I’m so sad that he went home today, but now we all have an excuse to go to LA 🙂 And this is one of those sorry looking pictures that looks moderately better in black and white. Trust me.
Cecil was our excuse to go out for sushi
And early Wednesday morning, I was up bright and early to take an exam that I was neglecting. Don’t worry, I’ve been more than paying for this beach trip in terms of being completely lost in my calculus class!
It was the perfect weekend and made me so much more excited for the rest of the summer! Hopefully with Russ sooner rather than later!