The Dorm Food Collection

Hi!  I’m typing up this post on the first day of the semester- which also happens to be the first day of the semester!  I think we’re off to a good start 🙂

So last semester I wrote about the different snacks and meals that I keep stored in my dorm room.  I’ve been living in a dorm for four years, so I’ve gotten into a good habit of eating certain meals in here, and other meals in the dining hall.  Neither is ideal because I tend to eat a lot of processed food in my room and I don’t love the food in the dining hall, but I make it work.

Drumroll, please….

Breakfast Foods:DSC_0008

It’s the usual, but from top left:

  • Vanilla-Coconut Almond Breeze
  • Peanut Butter
  • Pequea Valley Farms Yogurt (Full fat and so, so good)
  • Oatmeal
  • Barbara’s Multigrain Spoonfuls
  • Golden Raisins
  • Cheerios
  • Natural Toasted Oat Bran

Of course, I don’t use it all at one time.  These days I have been having 1/2 oatmeal, 1/2 oatbran, with sliced banana, a spoonful of peanut butter and a few spoonfuls of yogurt.  I like the mix of hot and cold and it keeps me full.

I’ll eventually open the quinoa and mix it with the oatmeal for some added protein.  Occasionally I also add raisins, but I usually forget.

If you’ve never had oatbran, essentially, it’s like oatmeal powder.  It makes a thick, pasty porridge, which sounds awful, but I enjoy it.

Lunches and Other Meals:DSC_0010I don’t have much as far as standard MEALS go, because if I’m going to eat a meal in my room, it’s usually a peanut butter sandwich or a bowl of cereal.  If I’m feeling fancy (ha), I have these things.

  • Organic Low Sodium Tomato Soup–> I love this stuff.  It’s perfect on it’s own, but I always throw crackers in with it.
  • Trader Joe’s Indian Fare–> I’m not going to lie, this stuff looks horendous when it comes out of it’s astronaut food package, but it taste good (usually).  I think most of the Indian Fare dishes are a bit over-spiced and over-salted, so I made oatmeal, quinoa, or rice, and then put this on top.  It cuts some of the harsh flavors and makes for a decent meal.
  • V8 Low Sodium-Original–>  This isn’t a meal, but when I’m feeling snacky, I drink some of this to cut cravings and it really works!  It tastes like soup and gives me two full servings of vegetables.  It’s great that it’s low sodium and I definitely don’t feel like it’s missing any salt.
  • Not pictured:  A loaf of whole wheat bread.  It’s probably going to go moldy any day now, but I like having some bread to make quick lunches like peanut butter and banana.

Snacks and Things:DSC_0002Snacks, snacks, snacks.  They’re my favorite “meal” of the day.  That’s not true when I’m home, but when I’m at school, I tend to eat small meals and don’t eat much in the dining hall, so I rely heavily on snacks to keep me going.  And if it’s not obvious, the carbier, the better!

  • Cheddar Rocket Crackers–> Taste like Goldfish, easy to much on, and I love them in the above-pictured tomato soup!
  • Trader Joe’s Wheat Crisps–> Also a favorite!
  • Multigrain Crackers–> Haven’t tried these, but it’s hard to go wrong with crackers.
  • Cheddar Puff Popcorn–> The BEST Cheddar Popcorn in all the land.  Almost done the bag.
  • Trader Joe’s Vanilla Yogurt–>I don’t love these, buuuuut I feel like I should.
  • Fruit–> Grapefruit, oranges, bananas.  I eat the bananas. but the citrus is a lot of work.  (Lazy…)

And last, but not least… DESSERT!DSC_0012If you guys like Resees, you’ll LOVE these.  They’re mini, so you can eat a billion 🙂  For the normal size ones, three of them are a serving, but 27 of these are a serving!  So, so good.DSC_0018

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