The Ultimate Summer Carry-On Packing List

I am a master-packer and I am proud of it!  I went home for 6 weeks and only took a carry on, as well as multiple other shorter trips with just my handy-dandy carry on.  When traveling, the last thing you want to do is drag a huge suitcase all over the place.  You’ll probably find that wearing the same thing for a couple days really isn’t so bad and with some accessories, every outfit is different.

Before each trip, I write a big packing list and I have never forgotten anything.  I thought I would share it here for anyone to use.  

This packing trip is sufficient for a SUMMER trip for 3-7 days (or 6 weeks!  Ha!).  Of course, in the winter, things look a little different.  That post is coming soon 🙂


  1. 1 pants (I prefer to wear pants on the plane since it’s usually pretty cool, so you could wear them and save space)
  2. 1 shorts
  3. 1 pair of pants if it will really cool down at night (if you bring them, wear them on the plane)
  4. 3 tops- tank tops, t-shirt, whatever.  (Loose and flowy is better to keep cool)
  5. 1 little cardigan or a light jacket (it cools down a bit at night)
  6. 2 dresses (if dresses are your thing.  For me, I bring all dresses and no shorts)
  7. underwear for every day plus 1 pair
  8. 1 bra
  9. socks for every day plus 1 pair
  10. 1 undershirt 
  11. 1 top or dress for going out
  12. pajamas
  13. bathing suit (you never know what pool / watering hole you’ll come across!)
  14. lightweight bathing suit cover-up


  1. comfortable sneakers (wear them on the plane)
  2. 1 pair of sandals or ´going out´shoes 


  1. mini shampoo
  2. mini conditioner
  3. mini body wash or soap
  4. mini deodorant 
  5. mini lotion
  6. mini toothpaste
  7. toothbrush/ floss
  8. mini or regular razor
  9. chap stick
  10. make up you use (try to bring less if you tend to use a ton)
  11. medications
  12. nail file
  13. mini bottles of hair products you use
  14. headache meds
  15. a couple Q- tips
  16. a couple band-aids
  17. shower cap
  18. a small bottle of sunblock
  19. small tube of perfume


  1. camera
  2. camera charger
  3. camera SD card
  4. phone
  5. phone charger
  6. adapter (if needed)
  7. converter (if needed)


  1. sunglasses
  2. hat
  3. jewelry
  4. hair ties
  5. watch
  6. water bottle
  7. neck pillow for the planes / trains / buses
  8. a few snack bars you like (but you can buy this later)
  9. small travel backpack to carry around during the day
  10. a small purse to go out (if it is light)
  11. mini towel (and I mean mini!  something that can be rolled easily and used at a pool or for a shower.  You don’t always need your big, soft towel)


  1. passport
  2. ID
  3. money
  4. credit/ debit card
  5. confirmation of hotel/ airBNB
  6. directions to hotels
  7. confirmation of tourist attraction
  8. flight tickets

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