Vamos a Espana!

Hola amigos!!

Most of my friends and family already know, but for the rest of you that read this little blog (hey extended family on Facebook and a few people from high school and college) that don’t know, well…I’m going to Spain next year!

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For the entire school year!!!

I’m excited to be going on the adventure of my life…

barcelona 1

But I’m nervous and SO SCARED.  I’m afraid to completely uproot my life, to say bye (or see you later) to the people that I love and see every day.  I’m nervous about what the next year will bring and what kind of experiences I’ll have.

But mostly, I’m so excited for this new adventure and opportunity and I’m so looking forward to bringing you all along for the ride.  Before I leave, I am planning an “Espana series” to tell you about how I’m doing this, what I’m doing, and how you can do it too.  And then when I’m in Spain, I’ll be updating with all of my adventures and using this blog as a way to keep you all up-to-date with my happenings abroad.

I feel like I’m diving into a dark pool head-first, but the only way to find out what’s in the water… to jump.

Here goes nothing…

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