Weekend with a Sentence Per Picture.

This weekend came and went, but it was a good one!


I forgot how much I love sushi!!!  Thank you Mama de Luis for reminding me 😉feb208


A huge pot of lentil soup after an intense Body Combat class!feb2011

Coffee and pear bizcocho with a good friend.feb2010

Out being an adult with Luis, I found this bowl and really liked it.feb209


How every Saturday should begin.feb207

Or even more importantly, on the sofa, in my mama’s sweatshirt, with coffee.feb206

And a loooong walk on a beautiful Saturday.


Sunday (like the rest of this post, it’s mostly food…)

Breakfast for dos.feb204

Lunch for uno.


Big smiles and big sandwiches with cheese, caramelized onions and kobe beef to share (@ MadrEAT Market)feb201

Dinner for dos.feb203

And just for fun…. the most amazing milkshakes and cheesecake (and unpictured empanadas) on Monday night from Keyaan’s in Madrid.  Go there.feb20 best cheesecake



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