Well hello there

….it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?  I am writing to your from the kitchen of my house in Philly (side note: I always find it strange when people say “at my parents house”…like this is not my home too.  It’s my house and always will be.  I guess if my parents moved one day I might say “I am at my parent’s house” *visits parents in nursing home and someone calls and I say *I’m at my house*.* lol.

I have been *trying* to get some work done on the computer this morning since we have mmm, a lot, of work to do before we open again in September.  It’s been tough though- I am extremely unmotivated to do much of anything productive while I am visiting and after sleeping 10-12 hours most nights, I find myself urgently needing a nap in the middle of the day.  So between my Instagram scrolling, podcast-listening walks, cuddle sessions with Teddy (the dog), and my 1-2 hour siestas (oh, and 9 pm bedtime to ensure I get those 10-12 hours of sleep), I am left with very little time to do anything productive.  You see my dilemma, right?

But today I have pushed through and have been on the computer for 5 hours working on something that is not very important, but is something nonetheless.  We are going to be doing some hiring, so I had to make some fancy Instagram ads to put up tomorrow and I wanted them to be perfect, so it’s taken quite a bit of time.  As soon as I finish this, I’ll think long and hard about getting up to go get dressed and will probably do so after about 30 minutes of contemplating it, and then I’ll go for a walk and by the time I get home, it will be naptime.  I don’t have much I feel like saying, so here are some photos from the past few weeks since I last graced you with my presence.

gourmet meal on the plane

my Dad at his farm picking tomatoes and getting eaten alive by mosquitos

I wanted this very American meal.


Bagel test #1.

Breakfast on the first morning home.

A dip in our new pool.

Lots of walks and runs.

America has no shortage of cereal options.

First dinner home.

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