What I Ate Wednesday: Summer Stylin’

Good morning!

I called this week’s WIAW “Summer Stylin'” because so much of what I’m eating these days are all of my summer favorites- fresh fruit and veggies, lots of grilled things, and too much ice cream 🙂

[Thank you Jenn for hosting WIAW!]


Oatmeal and oat bran, banana slices, strawberry slices, blueberries, plum slices. [Peanut butter and strawberry jelly added after photos].


Today’s lunch was so colorful and tasty! When I make lunch, I usually open the fridge and just dump random things into a plastic container. Hey, it does the trick!068edit066editKale salad (with olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper), with butternut squash, cucumber, tomato, plum079The rest of the gang: Trader Joe’s Vegetarian Refried Beans, nectarine, banana, half peanut butter and banana sandwich, Nature Valley Bar


My favorite snacks these days have been fresh fruit, granola bars and hard-boiled eggs.ImageAnd yogurt! It was especially hot yesterday- like 92 degrees HOT- so instead of putting my lunch in the fridge, I put the whole thing in the freezer. (Maybe I was trying to live vicariously through my lunch??) Anyway, my Coconut-Vanilla Oikos yogurt FROZE and it was the best thing to ever happen to my yogurt. It was sooo much creamier than non-frozen yogurt. I will definitely be freezing yogurt every day…ImageAs for me, since I can’t actually get into the freezer, I’m doing my best to stay cool during this heat wave!Image


Who knows what dinner will be, but last night it was pasta with a cold tomato sauce (fresh tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil) and a green salad.


ICE CREAM! I’ve become an ice cream addict, although I don’t have any photos to prove it.

I’m off to the gym before heading to work. See ya later!121edit

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