When It’s Time To Pack

Go to the beach instead!0908151946

Because you will definitely pack, even if it is the day before you are moving to another country.  Even if you have to pack and repack that bag 3 times, and eventually decided a duffel (how do you spell duffle?) bag would be better.  Even though that duffle bag has a faulty zipper.IMG_0070

You will still get it done.  Put off packing and spend some time with your parents!  At the beach, preferably.FullSizeRender(1)With fresh orange-cranberry bagels0909151053And toast with an assortment of toppings and iced coffee, tooIMG_0052Don’t forget TeddyIMG_0056

Because he wants to come to SpainIMG_0068

Ready. Set. Go.IMG_0065

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