WIAW 2/26/2014

Hi Readers! Happy Wednesday! 

We’re half way there so just hang in there…

Sorry about unplanned little blog hiatus I took.  I sat down twice over the last couple of days, ready to crank out a post and just stared at the screen.  I really didn’t have anything to say and I didn’t want to force a post, bore you to tears, and never see you come back.  You’re welcome.

That’s not to say this weekend wasn’t great, because it was!  I just didn’t have many pictures to share.  For my own personal future record, I will say that Russ and I went to Sykes After Dark (haha), went to Manayunk with his roommates for drinks & apps (more like dinner…), and spent some time with my family.photo(182)I plan to dog-snatch that dog.  🙂

Oh, and we got this gem taken!photo(178)Times were tough back in the day…

Okay!  Moving on!


photo(177)This was from Sunday.  My mom made it for me. Does she have a future at Starbucks? YES.

Also from this weekend (after a 5 mile run!):photo(180)

I think french toast just may be one of my favorite foods in the entire world.


Between classes and before the gym I had carrots and an apple.  #rabbitproblems.



I don’t know if it was because I was hungry, or because I had just worked out, but this lunch was AMAZING. (Things I don’t say about the dining hall).  The base was “African Peanut Stir-Fry over Rice and Lentils”.  It’s basically vegetables and kale (??) in this thick peanut sauce, with more peanuts on top.  I also had additional spinach, cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, sweet potato and tofu.  Soooo good.

And fruit on the side:photo(174)Mandarin oranges bring me back to my elementary school days!


No picture, but 1/2 PB and banana sandwich on 12 grain bread.  Also yogurt at some point.



Russ’ brother, Matt, invited me over for dinner last night and this is what he made.  Whole wheat pasta and chicken.  Thanks, Matt!


Tapioca pudding.  I’m not kidding…I LOVE pudding.  My dad bought all different varieties- tapioca, rice, chocolate- and I can’t get enough.

Okay…that’s it.  See- lack of pictures.  Hopefully I will have more next week.  Have a great day!

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