Year 3, Week 1 in Photos.

I’ve officially been back in Madrid for a week now, and despite some back-and-forth feelings, I’m definitely happy to be back.  There are some things I wish I could write about, but due to the nature of certain people reading my blog, I cannot write about everything I want to.

Instead, I’ll share some photos that are clogging up my camera roll 🙂


Best breakfast EVER.  A cranberry-orange bagel topped with drippy peanut butter and my Dad’s homemade raspberry jam.  SOOOOOOOOO GOOD.


Still doing the Withlocals tours and this is from my tour last week.  These guests from Texas were so much fun- definitely one of my best tours yet.  Also, not my most attractive photo haha….


My new VipKid set-up!  I flipped my desk to allow sunlight to brighten my face and so my map could be behind me 🙂  I’ve cleaned it up since this photo was taken.


LOVING my new balcony!  I eat lunch out there and read out there.


^Reasons I love Spain.


This picture cracks me up.  I’ll be killed for sharing it, but it’s worth it.


This is what my break at work looks like every day.  I did a little taste test between the two yogurts, and Carrefour definitely wins.  How’s that for useless info?


Yesterday I did the HARDEST workout of my life.  It was Crossfit-style, only 20 minutes, and I was completely dripping in sweat.  I’m hardly able to walk today.


Apartment goals.

That’s all!  Have a great weekend, friends!

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