Friday Favorites 1/30/2015

1.  Old Navy Clearance and Activewear Sale


I was in desperate need for some new workout clothes.  Running in freezing weather in knee-length capris, working out in old, stained tanks, and 3 sports bras.  I sort of rectified the situation by taking advantage of Old Navy’s active wear sale and was able to pick up a pair of running leggings ($18), 2 tanks (total $6), two t shirts (total $8).  So far, I LOVE the leggings- they’re snug, but flattering and warm (and look like mom pants according to Russ/ Nicole).  The tanks are loose and flowy, and the t-shirts are nice and baggy, just how I like them.

2.  TD Bank Fitbit Flex Promotion


I missed the train last night so while I sat their cursing my bad luck, I saw on the screen at the train station that TD Bank is offering a promotion for new account holders.  If you open a checking/savings account, sign up for online banking and get a debit card, you get a brand spankin’ new Fitbit FLEX!  I am so, so, so (too) excited about this!  I’ve wanted a Fitbit ever since I heard about them, so this is totally making my week.  Now I can track my steps, and sleep cycles AND get woken up at the optimal time.  BONUS is that TD bank offers free coin counting.  I’m too happy about this….and I’ll let you know how much I love it!

3. Going to Cuba next month!

cubaaGoing back for the third time, hopefully to catch one last back stage glance at Cuba before things really open up with the United States.  Of course, also excited to see my family, explore the culture and the sights, and have fun!  Who wants rum?  Cigars?  🙂

4. A House in the Sky


I literally haven’t been able to put this book down.  I intentionally leave it home every day so I don’t sit in class/ lunch/ the bathroom/ the library just reading.  Because I would.  The book is a memoir about the author’s time spent traveling the world until she finds herself in Somalia as a reporter and ends up getting kidnapped.  She is held for almost 400 days, always wondering if it’s going to be her last.

5. 24 Must-See Diagrams That Will Make Eating Healthy Super Easy.


I originally saw this on Buzzfeed, but then it popped up again and I had to share it with all of you!  Buzzfeed never fails, but this article is awesome for anyone that wants reminders on how to cook healthy foods or for anyone looking for some healthy inspiration.  There are infographics for everything from types of greens, types to grains, salad dressing, cooking times, and more. I like some of them enough that I thought printing and framing them would look awesome in a kitchen.  Check out the link!

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