
I am very much procrastining going to the bakery to make bagel dough for tomorrow, so instead I will write this post for your enjoyment.  Well, I will probably start it and not finish it, but that will still allow me to procrastinate so it works for me!  It’s 4pm on Monday Sept 7 and I am still in my pajamas and still drinking my morning coffee. 

We had our opening weekend this weekend and it went very, very well (like the kind of well where I can’t look up and make eye contact with people because there is a line out the door and I am trying not to panic).  But no one cried (not even me!) so it was a success.  If you were wondering if the intense knee pain I was having before we closed for the summer went away during my 6 week hiatus from crouching and standing and walking and generally punishing my lower extremties, the answer is no, no it did not.  I thought it did, but in fact it was just that I haven’t spent much time on my feet in the last 7 weeks and the pain is still very much there, if not worse… so that is fun.  It probably also has to do with the fact that I am 29 years old and very quickly approaching elderly-ness.

I slept for 12 hours last night and have been sitting all day (on the computer, but sitting nonetheless).  I will bike to the shop, work for an hour or two and maybe walk home, but that will be the extent of my movement and I am happy about it.  

In other news, it was my birthday this weekend!

Mazal bagels madrid 

Actually, our first day open was on my birthday and while blowing out the candle on a little cake I made for myself, I wished for a smooth, busy weekend, and that’s exactly what I got!

Mazal bagels madrid 

Just like last year, I wanted to write a post with 29 things- 15 things I learned in my 28th year and 14 things I hope to do in my 29th year.  For fun, I will copy my 14 things I wrote last year and see how much of it I did (also I look so much younger in my 28th year- hahaha).  Here is me this morning, at 29 years old and after 12 hours of beauty rest:

lookin like a bug but with 0 grey hairs!

29 Things- 15 I learned and 14 I hope to do

  1. drink water, even when you don’t want to.  Make it taste better with some lemon or lime or cucumber and mint.  
  2. use chemicals on your face, every single night.  And expensive face cream.
  3. if there is something you want, save money for it and get it, but budget for it.
  4. small, short trips are better than long, big trips.
  5. if you want to sleep until 12 in the afternoon, sleep until 12 in the afternoon.  Sleep is good for you!
  6. popcorn makes movies so much better. (but not buttered.  Just with a tiny drizzle of olive oil and salt.)
  7. playing scrabble with my family is one of my favorite things we have ever done, especially when we used the word “gina” and it cracked me up for days.
  8. having a lot of plants makes me happy.
  9. everything is relative.  don’t make judgements based on what you see because you certainly don’t see everything.
  10. invest in things that are important to you: good soaps and shampoos, a great pen with a great agenda, high quality food, new plants, some art for the walls, comfortable shoes- see point 12).
  11. see friends, even when you don’t want to (I can be fairly anti-social …also called introverted, but I also get a high from seeing people)
  12. your feet are your most important appendage, take care of them.  Get pedicures, wear good socks, and buy those 80€ Skechers, even if it hurts your soul that you are wearing grandma skechers with built-in arch support (and your feet will still hurt).
  13. Take a break.  You don’t have to be doing something productive every damn second.
  14. Plan to see your family.  If you don’t, life just happens.  Buy the plane tickets, make the call, send the note.
  15. bonus: eat whatever the hell you want, but in moderation.  The big bowl of cheesy pasta won’t make any difference.  But still get in those 10,000 steps.

Things I hope to do:

  1. hire a cleaning lady (this list is in no particular order but this is definitely top 3).
  2. limit work to 40 hours per week (this is a HUGE goal because I am currently working closer to 80).  This will involve hiring more people eventually.
  3. see my family twice this year
  4. reach some new goals at Mazál
  5. sleep 8 hours per night (lol)
  6. invest the max amount in 2020
  7. host a party or a dinner at home
  8. do something that I am afraid to do
  9. get a massage
  10. do something extraordinary.  Not sure what this means but check back in 2021 to see if I did it.
  11. walk 10,000 more steps per day (that would be 3,650,000 steps)
  12. eat at the restaurant Fayer in Madrid
  13. go to a show or something
  14. See someone in my extended family (I don’t see much of anyone, unfortunately)

From my 28th year:

  1. Set aside 350€ a month for investments – yes
  2. See a movie in a movie theater – I think the last time I saw a movie in a theater was october of 2019, so yes! I don’t remember what movie it was, but I ate a lot of popcorn
  3. Open a bagel bakery in Madrid – yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Don’t completely lose myself in the process of opening that bagel bakery – haha….I don’t know…. undecided.
  5. Travel to 4 new places – Rome, Crans Montana Switzerland, Paris with my Mom (I had been, but we saw new places), Dallas TX (the airport)
  6. Walk 10,000 steps a day – I lost my Fitbit (but just got a new one for my bday!, but I would say most days yes)
  7. Make some new friends – I did!
  8. Donate some money to a good cause – I donated a small amount this year
  9. Buy new expensive face products – I bought new face creams, but time to buy more
  10. Have a picnic in the park – I had a picnic in the grass next to my house and Luis complained the whole time that we were probably sitting in dog poop.
  11. Travel with my family – Ventnor, NJ 2020! 
  12. Adopt a new fish or two –unfortunately, no
  13. Stretch more often – not at all.
  14. Have fun and stay positive – it makes a huge difference – yes and no…i have my moments

Mazal bagels madrid

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