3 New Things

New in Madrid

Hello, hello!  Wow, what a crazy last few days it’s been!  There has been so much going on in-between juggling VIPKID, Bruja’s Bakery, food tours, and more, that I’ve felt like a chicken with my head cut off.  I was able to get a few posts up in the last few days, but that’s only because I had them pre-scheduled.  As for what’s been going on recently?  I’m here to share 3 new things in my life!

I got a new job! 

New in Madrid

It’s only a one month gig (and that’s ok- lol *insert sweating emoji*) but it’s been busy and also super fun.  I am a program leader with CIEE, leading American kids that are here in Madrid for one month while they learn Spanish and explore the city.  My friend, Cristina, asked me last week if I would be interested and I said yes, went in for an interview, and started work just a few days later.  It’s been a complete whirlwind of orientation, organizing activities and schedules, answering questions (they ask a lotttttt of questions!), but also having fun!  We go to museums, the pool, cooking class, ceramics class, and on a couple trips.  We visited the Plaza de Toros earlier last week….New in Madrid

On Saturday, we went kayaking in Segovia and it was so much fun!  And then we are off to Granada in a couple weeks.  So yeah, that is where I’ve been for the last week or so, and where I will be for the next 3ish weeks.

Luis and I tried Orange Theory! 

A new Orange Theory opened right around the corner so we went in for a free trial and it was awesome!  Unfortunately, the armbands that measure heart rate/ calorie burn and compare you to the other people weren’t working, but we still got to do the workout and I thought it was really good (and also really intense).  Ask me how many times I thought I might die during the warmup.  A lot. Despite that, I really liked the competition in the class, as well as the mix and match of workout styles.  We started with 15 minutes of treadmill running (and the coach told us when to make it more intense/relax) and then we did 15 minutes of EMOM and then we did a partner workout, trying to complete 3 rounds in 23 minutes.  I get super competitive with these types of things and Luis was being a little….slow.  I may have been a bit mean.  Oops 🙂  For now, we are not planning to join (especially with this new job), but it is something I am totally into doing after I finish the job.  It would be 89€ per month (for 8 sessions/month), which isn’t bad, but is a lot compared to my current (already paid for) 33€ at my other gym.  We shall see!  Have you ever tried Orange Theory?


After 3 wonderful years in my apartment in Lavapies, I have decided to move on from there.  It’s not that I don’t want to stay there, but all of my current roommates are leaving or moving out, and I really don’t want to be that person that is 27 and will be living with a bunch of 22 year olds that are just moving in.  It’s time, so… here are the new digs!  It’s Luis’ apartment!  House tour coming soon 🙂

That’s all I have for you for now.  Just wanted to provide a little glimpse into what my summer is looking like right now, but in 3 short weeks it will change all over again as I have SO MANY things on the agenda! Can’t wait to share!

Happy Monday!

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