A Month y Pico Later

I always think about posting here- usually when it’s first thing in the morning and I have a ton of energy. It’s usually when I’m waiting for the bus in the morning and I think “when I get home tonight, I’m going to post!”. And then it’s nearly 13 hours later and I am completely wiped and all I want to do is sip on a small glass of wine, take a shower, and get in bed at 9 pm so that I am not a miserable person the next day. Unlike most people, the closer it gets to the weekend, the longer and busier my days get. And the longer and busier they get, the more stressed out I get. Until it’s Monday and then I sleep 13 hours and I feel like I’m on top of the world again. Then Monday turns to Tuesday, which turns to Wednesday and the cycle repeats itself.

I am currently working about 65 hours a week plus another 10 or so on the computer. It’s a lot and I probably should have become a doctor or other sort of specialty that compensates for these incredibly long work weeks. But instead I make bagels….and lots of them. My goal over Christmas is to really organize our schedule in a way that will make it so that I get a bit of….relief…on some days. Whether that means that someone else goes early or someone else stays late. But even when I’m not physically at work, I’m definitely mentally there. It’s just really hard to get away physically and mentally, but I sure hope that it comes with time because this rythm is definitely not sustainable. In just about one month, it’ll be a year since we opened our doors and I have to say…things are crazier and busier and better than I ever imagined they would be. But there is also so much more stress and anxiety than I anticipated. It probably never goes away, but maybe one becomes more immune to all the stress. All I know is that I am very much looking forward to a little break during Christmas…

Anyway, besides complaining about work, I came on here to say hi and share some photos that are clogging up my photo reel, but when I went to download them, I realized that I only have photos of…work….and invoices to send to my gestor. So I guess that sums up life pretty well.

pie week 2020
on the way to a very expensive dinner
after a long friday at work
my new breakfast invention
monday brunch
we had pizza last night and didn’t realize til later that it was gluten free. but delicious anyway!

I am trying to upload photos of a Mexican lunch we had today that was so, so good…but it keeps saying the file is too large and my time quota for using the computer has run out. Time to pour the aforementioned glass of wine and return to my sweatpants. Have good night!

Here we go- it worked:

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