Today marks two years that we have been together, so I wanted to quickly pull together some of my favorite memories that we have together. I honestly can’t fathom how so much time has gone by so quickly, but these two years have been the happiest years of my life, and I hope that number keeps growing!
You make me laugh and you make me incredibly happy.

I guess the time is flying by because we have done so many amazing things together like…
…Spent the day in New York (twice)
…Ran in the Color Me Rad race
…Ran in the Gobble Wobble
…We went to a party or two
…You scared the living day lights out of me on my birthday
…We celebrated New Years 2012
…Rock Climbing

…We have done some cooking and baking
…We went to the beach with your family for a week both summers
…My dad let you cut his hair and you left big bald spots and I COULD NOT stop laughing…When we first started dating 🙂

These last two years are filled with so many memories, most of which have gone without photos, but I can’t wait to see what kind of memories (and pictures) we make this year.
I love you from here to….