Fitness Friday: Baby, I’m Back

Hi and Happy Friday!

This week absolutely flew by and this weekend will be even faster since I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, but it’s always like that!  I have been feeling SO MUCH better this week in terms of gym motivation and energy, which is making me much happier.

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I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that getting up in the morning and getting my workout done was the cure!  See the above photo?  I took that before 8 am after I just finished a morning workout.  Thursday morning, I woke up at 6:30 and headed to the gym and I definitely had more energy there AND during the day.  While I don’t plan to get back into my early gym routine completely, I am going to make an effort to get to the gym before 6:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  There is just something about getting it done first thing that works for me.  I’m not as motivated once I’ve been sitting in class for a few hours and my to-do list is staring back at me.

Let’s back up the rest of the week, though!

Saturday:  I honestly can’t remember, but I’m pretty sure it was a rest day.

Sunday:  Three mile run and then a triceps workout and abs…and then the rest of the day spent in the library for a little mental workout 😉

Monday:  Rest!

Tuesday: Three mile run with minor knee pain, followed by a shoulder workout that burned, but in a good way.

Wednesday:  Rest!

Thursday:  5 minutes of jogging warm-up, then 10 minutes of sprint intervals on the treadmill, then lunges, squats, moving squats and three sets of 12 on three leg machines.  1.5 miles of walking to and from class.  (Doing legs three days before a half marathon wasn’t my brightest idea.  I’m so, so, so sore today. I should be feeling better by Sunday (I hope))!

Friday: 5 minutes of jogging warm-up, 15 minutes of sprint intervals on the treadmill, 3 sets of the following:  chest press, fly, incline press with dumbbells and then the bar, chest press and fly on the machines, abs.

I fully intend to take tomorrow as a rest/ very light cardio day since Russ and I will be running the Philadelphia Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon on Sunday!!  I say I intend to take a light day, but I definitely need to do something because I forgot to use my GymPact app ALL week.  If I don’t do a half hour of exercise tomorrow, I’ll be charged $5.00 and that ain’t going to fly.

Well,  I’m off.  I hope you all have awesome weekends, and if it’s cool where you are like it is here, enjoy that sweater wearing- coffee sipping- pumpkin eating- scarf and boot wearing- cuddling, crisp (2)

You can expect a half marathon update on Sunday or Monday!  Enjoy your weekend!
And, if you celebrate- I hope you have an easy and meaningful fast on Yom Kippur. 

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