I’m not talking about some Olympic sport.
Ice Running (n): The act of running on icy pavement and in the street. Possibly requiring snow mound scaling, balancing, and gliding
I did that three times this week 🙂
Saturday: Nike Training Club. I don’t remember which workout it was, but it was sooo tough! Forty five minutes of squats, side lunges, burpees, rows, and more. I was incredibly sore the next day,
Sunday: Two mile run outside on the ICE and a 30 minute Nike Training Club. I really wasn’t in the mood to do this workout, but the time passed quickly and it was over in no time.
Monday: Rest.
Tuesday: 10 minutes on the elliptical, ten minutes jogging on the treadmill, five minutes incline walking, five more minutes of jogging. Done and done before class- felt good to get moving!
Wednesday: ten minutes on the elliptical, twenty minute ICE run outside. Then a triceps workout and abs and push-ups.
There were a couple times on this run where I was completely surrounded by ice. Enter snow mound scaling and tip-toeing on the ice.
Thursday: SEVEN Mile Run!!!! First long run outside in a very long time. 45 degrees is basically summer, so I needed to get outside. Annnnd Russ and I got into the Broad Street Run for May, so I need to get back into distance shape. This was a tough run to start, mostly because I was hungry and my legs were heavy, but it got much better around mile three. The best part about the run? I saw some friends!They’re adorable.
After the run, I refueled with a thick & hearty PB and banana sandwich. This photo doesn’t show just how much PB was on there.
Friday: Twenty minutes of cardio and then BodyPUMP. Love that class.
With that, I’m off to shower, get some homework done, NAP, and get this weekend started! Make it a good one!