Fitness Friday: Spinning!

Friday?  Already?  This week flew by, but I’m not complaining!  This weekend will be a lot of fun 🙂

I’m happy with this week’s workouts- I actually managed to do a lot!

Saturday: 15 minute warm-up, then a body-weight leg workout with Russ.  It was tough, but it’s so much more fun working out with someone else and Russ is so motivating!

Sunday: Off.

Monday:  3 miles run, triceps workout, abs. (and physical therapy where I do a lot of ab work and stretching).

Tuesday:   7 MILE RUN!  But…it hurt. A lot.  I started feeling some slight knee pain around the fifth mile and then around 6 it started to get really bad.  I’m the worst when it comes to giving up half way through (or…6/7 of the way through), so I just pushed through and finished with a slow, limping, 13 minute mile.  I’m so sad that I’m not *magically* cured, but I’m going to keep working in physical therapy.  Three weeks for my physical therapist to make a miracle happen!  On the plus side, the weather was absolutely incredible.  I change my mind with every season, but I am seriously loving this fall weather and the leaves changing.  I’m hoping to get out and enjoy this fleeting time tomorrow and Sunday 🙂photo(34)1photo(35)1Wednesday: Off.

Thursday: SPINNING!!! My morning class was cancelled, so I went to the gym a little earlier than usual and realized that spinning would be starting in about 20 minutes.  I jumped on a bike and read for ten minutes, then went to spinning and loved every minute of thinking about how tough it was.  The class I went to was with a different instructor and it was a little harder than what I’m used to doing, but in a good way!  I definitely left soaked and dripping in sweat.  I missed spinning so much, and while I won’t be able to continue to go, I’ll definitely try to sneak a class here a there.  The classes are included in our tuition, after all!  I need to take advantage.

Friday: Twenty minutes of incline walking on the treadmill and then 13 minutes of jogging/ running.  I am hesitant to jump back into running after hurting my knee on Tuesday, but I didn’t feel anything whatsoever.  Phew.  I did a total of 3 miles, then hopped off and completed a shoulder workout with about 30 seconds of ab work in between each set.  It was a good workout!

I’m off to get a bunch of things crossed off on my to-do list.  Wahoo…crazy weekend!  Hehe see you Monday!DSC_0225edit

Have a great weekend!

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