Friday Five: November 15

Hello there!  WOW it is already Friday- I literally cannot believe it.  Time used to go fast (I thought), but now I constatly feel like my head is spinning and I wake up every morning and it’s already Friday.  Just a lot going on at one time, I guess!  Last night, I was standing in the shower thinking about how the only time I seem to be “disconnected” is when I am asleep (but even then, I sometimes wake up thinking about work….I never understood what people meant by this and then it started happening), or when I am in the shower.  And then I started thinking….will the rest of my life be like this now?  Surely no, but it feels very hamster-on-a-wheel like right now!!  All good things, though.

Here are 5 tidbits of information to get your weekend started!

1 // This week was my biggest Bruja’s Bakery week ever and I am very proud of myself for that!  It’s a combination of getting a whole bunch of new Instagram followers, announcing the news that we are opening a bagel shop, and that it’s November and people like to eat.

2 // I have been chipping away at my new website (which will be less of a store and more of a restaurant website), which I will share soon.  I have also been working on a new logo and new business cards!  I have been handling most of the creative parts of the business, while Luis has been working on the functional side (machinery, design).

3 // I haven’t really had any time to cook all week so really all we have eaten this week is rice, fried eggs, and salad.  Mom, help!

4 // I am working both Saturday and Sunday this weekend, but that’s ok because we don’t have anything else on the agenda.

5 // Speaking of weekend, it will look something like this: make bagels, RUN/ WORKOUT!, watch TV, SLEEP!  Priorities in capital letter.

Have a great weekend!

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