Holiday Lately.

The holidays have come and gone and I’ve done a pretty awful job of documenting any of it here.  We did a lot of fun things during this break, so I really want to make sure I get it all here before I forget.  With that being said…

Christmas:photo 2(5)

As per tradition, we had a big family dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant in the area.  Besides the usual (many) stressful moments that come when spending time with family, all went well and the food was delicious!  Russ may or may not have squeezed a glass too hard, causing it to shatter and his finger bled the entire time, but…all was fine in the end.

New Years:

More often than not, New Year’s Eve isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.  It’s expensive, it’s packed, and people inevitably get into fights.  Russ and I didn’t have any big plans and just kind of figured it out as the night went on.  My mom, however, threw a party to celebrate with some friends and since she might hurt me if I post pictures of other humans, I’ll just show the delicious food that was served:

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Longwood Gardens:

My mom had guest passes and a free day so the stars aligned and we all spent the day visiting my aunt Malca and then we went to Longwood Gardens to see the Christmas display and the lights.  It was completely packed, but absolutely beautiful.  photo 2(3) photo 2(4)

(not sure why it looks like I was hit in the mouth in the above photo)photo 4(2) photo 5(1) Long Wood Gardens

And the most exciting news of them all:

Russ got his 4th permit ever!!!!photo 4(4)

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