How to Check Your TIE Status and Prepare for Your Fingerprint Appointment, Madrid 2019 [Updated]


I have been getting a lot of questions regarding checking the application of your TIE renewal and what to do for a fingerprint appointment.  The fun fact is that I am in the same boat as all of you, learning as I go, but I haven’t had any real issues with the process so I am going to put all of the directions here in one post.

I hope it’s helpful for you and if you have a question, please ask!fingerprint1PicMonkey Collage



How to Check Your TIE Renewal Status and Make a Fingerprint Appointment in Madrid 2019

1. Check your TIE renewal application status.

By now, you should have submitted all of the paperwork to re-apply for your TIE.  You (hopefully) did that back in June.  After that, they tell you to wait up to three months to receive a letter in the mail with the ‘status’ of your renewal application.

The possible status’ include:

  • En tramite: application is in process
  • No se ha encontrado la informacion solicitada: they can’t find your information.  Uh oh.
  • Resulto-Favorable: Approved.
  • Resulto-No Favorable: Application denied.

This letter SHOULD come within three months, but, as you know, we are in Spain and things just don’t happen, so if you’re like me, you will never receive your letter.  This is annoying because you need a letter that states “LA DELEGACIÓN DEL GOBIERNO EN MADRID, ACUERDA:  CONCEDER la prórroga de la autorización de estancia por estudios”.

Lucky for you, you can check the status of your application online HERE You will need your TIE number, date that you applied (found on the application receipt they gave you), and your birth year.  If your letter never arrives, PRINT OUT A COPY OF THE ONLINE CONFIRMATION.  This will substitute as the Nota Informativa (the letter you should have gotten in the mail).

2.  Make fingerprint appointment.  

Time to make a fingerprint appointment (yes, you need to do this every time you renew your TIE).  

  • Make the appointment HERE.  Choose ‘Madrid’ –> (aceptar) –> POLICIA TOMA DE HUELLAS (EXPEDICION DE TARJETA) Y RENOVACION etc etc. –> Aceptar –> Entrar –> Fill in your info –> Aceptar — >Solicitar cita –> Under Oficina, I think you can choose your closest office but I always choose AVDA Poblados –> Aceptar –> Your phone number and email 2 times — >  Choose the earliest possible appointment.  DO THIS FAR IN ADVANCE AS IT IS VERY POSSIBLE IT WILL TAKE WEEKS TO GET AN APPOINTMENT.  TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF YOUR APPOINTMENT IN CASE THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL NEVER ARRIVES!

3. Become empadronamiento.

It is unclear whether you need to do this if you haven’t moved.  I can’t really help you there, but I can give you the link you need to make an appointment.  HERE is the link. 

(Pedir cita previa –> Tipo de servicio: Atencion a la ciudadania, Gestion: Padron, Oficina: Atocha). 

What you will need: The registration form (which you can get when you are there, original and copy of a current residence contract, original and copy of passport).

**If you don’t bring an up-to-date volante (the paper that says you are ’empadronado’ to your appointment and need one on the spot, you can get one at Oficina de Atención al Cuidadano at Avenida del General Fanjul, 2, 28044 Madrid (Metro: Aluche – Line 5).

4.  Collect the following documents for your appointment:

  • Physical passport
  • Copies of all passport pages
  • Physical (expired TIE)
  • Copy of front AND back of the TIE
  • Printed and completed copies of the Ex-17 application.  Find it HERE then click the link then go to “modelos de solicitud” on the left and then “modelos generales” and then EX-17
  • Modelo 790-Codigo 012 for 18.92 Euros (as of August 2019).  Find the form HERE.  Click ‘Rellenar formulario y descargar’.   Fill in your information at the top.  On the part where you choose what type of tasa, choose “TIE que documenta la renovación de la autorización de residencia temporal o la prórroga de la estancia o de la autorización para trabajadores transfronterizos“.  This is under the heading “Tarjetas de identidad de extranjeros (TIE) y certificados de registro de residentes comunitarios.”
  • Original volante de empadronamiento
  • Copy of volante de empadronamiento
  • Resolución-Favorable: your Resolution Letter and a printout of your status online.  (If it never came, just the online status printout, see above)
  • A couple recent passport-sized photos (get these from the machines in the metro stations)
  • Original letter you received when applying for your renewal that said you had applied.
  • A copy of that letter noted above.

5.  Pay your tasa.

Sign and date the tasa forms (the modelo 790-Codigo 012) and then you can pay this at any bank, but be aware that some banks will turn you down.  There is no rhyme or reason.  There should be THREE copies of the tasa form.  The bank will keep one and then stamp and give the other two back to you.  TAKE THOSE COPIES TO YOUR APPOINTMENT.

6.  Go to your fingerprint appointment.

Take all of those documents to Brigada Provincial de Extranjería y Documentación at Avenida de los Poblados, S/N, 28045 Madrid (Metro: Aluche – Line 5) (or wherever you chose your appointment above).


There will be a lot of people doing the TIE renewal and other tasks.  Be prepared to wait.  They will make copies of your fingerprints.

They will give you a “resguardo”, which is like a receipt.  DO NOT LOSE THIS.

7. Pick up your new TIE 35 days after you had your fingerprints taken.

You will pick up your TIE at the same location where you had your fingerprint appointment.

Brigada Provincial de Extranjería y Documentación at Avenida de los Poblados, S/N, 28045 Madrid (Metro: Aluche – Line 5).

Bring your passport, expired TIE, and Resguardo with you when picking up your TIE.

Open hours: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm.  YOU DO NOT NEED AN APPOINTMENT.

8.  Get a regreso to travel outside of Spain.

**If you plan to travel OUTSIDE of Spain before you have your new TIE, you will need to apply for a regreso (a document that allows you back into the country).  Here are instructions on how to do that.

That’s it!  It seems like a lot, but when applying for a TIE renewal, most of the time is spent waiting.  As of December 2017, I officially have my new TIE in hand.  Wahoooo!


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