
Hey there and Happy Monday!

I’m driving the struggle bus in a major way today, but that’s the case every Monday, so I’m not concerned.

This past weekend was pretty low-key.  Actually, it was embarrassingly low-key.  As in….I did nothing exciting.  The most fun thing I did was play Grand Theft Auto with Russ and his roommate, Henry.  Actually… I can see how that game can be addicting (but not for more than a half hour).

Since I really didn’t do much of anything this weekend, I’ll just unload some of the pictures I took and hope that next weekend is better by about 3000.

Friday was a lot of homework and sleeping.

Saturday, I went home for a doctor’s appointment and then went home for the day.  I came home to two freshly baked loaves of “English Muffin Bread”.  My dad made it for ME!  (At least that’s what I’m telling myself).  Daddy’s girl for life…DSC_0211edit

DSC_0209editThat bread is currently working as a vehicle for a nice hot mug of tomato soup:DSC_0277We went to the gym together, went to the bank, had breakfast, and then I proceeded to do nothing for the rest of the day.DSC_0221editBeing home made me feel a little empty when I saw that our windowsill no longer had a sleeping puppy. When I pulled into my driveway that morning, my initial thought was to hurry up and go inside before Toby started barking and woke up the house.  My heart feels like it’s going to burst when I think about that.DSC_0225edit  That night, I went to see Russ at Temple.  We did the GTA thing, which turned into a wrestling match between Henry and Russ.  I went to the bathroom and came back to this:photo-11editDSC_0254editDSC_0234editThen we got cookies from Insomnia Cookies, a cookie truck that stays open until 2 am.  That would be dangerous if we had that here….cookies after the bar, yes?

Sunday, again….Library.  All day.photo-23editphoto-25edit Besides working out in the morning.  I spent a total of 5.5 hours in the library on the nicest day.  #Fail.photo-24editEnjoy your week!


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