Madrid Open and Other Weekend Things


Hello, hello!  Happy, happy Tuesday!  (But not really…is it just me or is this week DRAGGING?  It should be at least Thursday by now!).  But anyway, enough about the week and let’s back up to the weekend.  This weekend was strange in that I spent a lot of it alone, but I also did a LOT of things.  

On Friday, I worked on Vipkid all morning and then finished up around 3.  Everyone I know was either working or away so I wasn’t really sure what to do with myself so I thought, hey, why not, I’ll go get a beer and people watch in the square behind my house.


I people watched, read blogs on my phone, and drank my beer and picked out all the peanuts from that mix.  Eventually, I decided to go for a walk and then went home before heading to the synagogue for Shabbat dinner.  I don’t really go often, but I really wanted some social interaction so I thought I could kill two birds with one stone and so I did!  I even got to play beer pong 😉

Saturday was a full day!  It started with going to see the Mutua Madrid Open!  Yes! The tennis matches!  My friend, Jake, invited me and a few friends to join him to watch the matches since he is a huge fan and since I had never been, I said ‘sure, why not’.weekend  I met them around 10:30 am and stayed until about 2:30 and while I enjoyed the experience a lot, I can’t say I will ever be a tennis fan.  It’s just so SLOW.  And quiet!  No talking, no moving, no making eye contact (kidding), but really, it’s too slow for me.  I don’t think I am much of a sports person, but the energy at sporting events is infectious and this..was not.  Oh, and the security was something I’ve never seen!  There was more security than at the airport, I swear!  Anyway, it was a fun morning and I am so glad Jake invited me to go!

Saturday afternoon included lunch, drinks with my roommate, and then around 7:30, Luis and I met at La Caixa Forum for a quick stop to see the Andy Warhol exhibit.weekend


It’s been there for months, but of course, we waited until the last weekend to go see it… along with everyone else in Madrid.  We had about 30 minutes, but that was enough and I liked looked at the various pieces and reading a bit about Andy Warhol.wk12wk5

That night, we had MORE pizza from the place I wrote about last week.  This time, the Speck pizza WITHOUT the Speck, so basically a white pizza with lots of truffle goodness.weekend 

We also had more drinks, more food, more fun over the next few hours.weekend

I found it quite amusing that we were matching!  Even the oil stains on our pants matched!weekend

At one point, we stopped to buy pretty flowers for Luis’ mom for Mother’s Day and then LEFT THEM IN A BAR like two I-don’t-know-whats.  When we realized and then called, the bartender said they were gone but 150% sure the bartender gave them to his mom….


These were not them, but I thought they were cool looking.

On Sunday, Luis and I hit the gym together where I did a high energy circuit workout that has left me sore 2 days out and then I flew solo for the rest of the day.  Everyone was either busy or away (again) so I entertained myself with cooking…


Or, really, just prepared some salads.

And then I went shopping to fill the time (bad habit) and ended up getting a couple things from Mango.   I could have easily gotten a lot more, but I have self control (lol I am going back tomorrow to buy a couple more things).  I didn’t get these pants, but I WILL.


Sunday night I had a tour with a couple from California and it was wonderful.  I ended up staying over 2 hours extra with them just chatting and share drinks.  It was therapeutic in a way, to talk to them and just feel connected with them.  I thoroughly enjoyed my evening with them and then the next night (Monday) I had another WONDERFUL tour with another group from the US.  Love, love, love when the tours are good.

With that, I am off to finish my day of teaching and then tonight I have another tour!  Have a great week <3

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