It’s a slippery slope to stop posting. A few days quickly turns into a few weeks and then the idea of posting anything seems so insurmountable that I just don’t post anything. Then those weeks turn into months…. So here we are.
I am writing from “my office”. It’s 1:48pm on Monday March 13th and I am starving (now currently eating stale Cheez-Its that have been sitting in my office for a good 6 months).
Stopped writing after that, and it is now Sunday, March 19th and I am at home, in pajamas, drinking coffee, listening to the birds chirp outside and cars whizz by below. Luis is out with his Dad (it is Father’s Day here), but I stayed back because I already had picnic plans with friends.
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks, from most recent to most ancient.
This weekend, I had the WHOLE weekend off. I am trying to “protect my time” more- to not work at the shop and to use our staff, whom we pay to work, to fill in any holes that may arise. The result is a full open weekend to do whatever I want, with nowhere to go and it has been GREAT! As a bonus, it’s a holiday weekend here in Madrid so Monday is a holiday!
Luis and I went to the gym yesterday which is something that we do a lot less than we should. After that, we went into the center of Madrid to “dar una vuelta” (like go for a stroll/ ride). We went to a couple bars, ran into some friends, and then went to this new, but crazy popular scrambled egg-in-brioche place. We ate them on a bench in a plaza because it is take away only.

They were surprisingly good, but we also felt kind of sickly full after eating them.
Moving on…

That’s all