November Updates

Hey there, friends/ readers/ parents/ etc.!

It’s been awhile because I was running around like a mad person last week, and this week too, if we are being honest.  Monday I was running errands and buying pumpkin pie ingredients, Tuesday I was supposed to have an interview (which got moved) and Lee came over for lunch, Wednesday I had a tour in the afternoon and went straight to class after having a quick lunch with Luis, Thursday I had to make a ton of bagel dough (enough for over 50 bagels!)- which took up most of the day (and I had VK!), and that brings us into the weekend, which I will share here.  This current week has been a lot of organizing pie orders, making social media posts, and generally feeling a bit frazzled (but in a good way).  I wake up each day around 7 am and then it’s go go go until 4, when I have to leave to head to school.  I usually don’t get home until 9 pm and I am a bad human at night- unproductive and usually only wanting to eat dinner, watch Homeland, and crash.  

Anyway, here is a little glimpse into life lately:

On Thursday, Luis picked me up from school and we headed straight to Taste of America to buy a case of pumpkin for some upcoming orders, and then to a hardware store to purchase necessary equipment to hang a super heavy mirror.  Luis says he can ‘do it himself’, but….don’t be surprised if I come back and say we smashed a super heavy mirror all over the floor.  Wouldn’t be my first time… (remember the oven door, Dad?  GOOD TIMES!)  Then we had dinner and watched 2 episodes of Homeland.  I actually would have stayed up all night watching but, duty called at 7 am the next morning.

Like I said, I had a billion orders for bagels on Friday, so I had to be up early to get them in the oven and cooled before 12.Bruja's Bakery 

Luckily, Friday was a holiday so Luis was able to help me, which was great because I kind of sort of underestimated the time it would take and was panicking a teeny weeny bit.

After doing all of the orders, we went for a run and it was a beautiful, sunny day over in these parts of the world.November Updates November Updates

We hung out at home until I headed out for a tour with 2 lovely ladies before meeting Luis for dinner at Juana La Loca.  I have wanted to try this place forevvvveeeerrr and finally got the chance, although it was packed.  It’s basically a fancy pinxos bar, but Luis and I really loved it and thought the quality of the food was excellent.  We shared 3 pinxos- the tortilla de patatas, a salmon one (not pictured, because we ordered it after ordering that egg one in the back, but sent it back when we saw it had jamón), and a roast beef one.  I was skeptical about the beef one, but it was excellent!

November UpdatesNovember Updates

After dinner, we stopped at Lee’s place (my brother) since he had a bunch of people over for a party.  Luis got to see Lee’s new apartment, and I got to feel like an old woman with all those young children haha.  But really, it was fun and Lee is a very kind host!

On Saturday, I made more more more bagels and pies.

Bruja's Bakery 

We delivered them, and then I basically slept for the entire afternoon.  I was absolutely exhausted, and a rainy Saturday afternoon is perfect for a little snooze.  On Saturday night, we had fun plans and met a few of Luis’ friends to do a craft beer tour.  It was super fun, and drinking makes my Spanish vedy, vedy good.November Updates November Updates November Updates

We went to an ‘American BBQ’ place, and I went to the bathroom while the guys chose what to order and they ordered a GREEN SALAD as the side dish.  WHO DOES THAT when eating American BBQ?!  Where are the potatoes?  Or mac and cheese?!?!?!? #Spaniards

Sunday I went for a run, and then met my two good friends, Cristina and Sarah for brunch!! 

 November Updates

And on Sunday night, I made my wallet cry in various stores.  Whoops.

Other random updates: 

We got pretty lights for the balcony and I LOVE THEM.

November Updates

I got a haircut and I miss my longer hair, but I love that the ends don’t just fall off now:

November Updates

Lee came over for lunch last week and he was the first to try the newest flavor of bagel- Manchego Cheese!November Updates November Updates

And we are trying to make it a weekly lunch date, but two weeks in and we both bailed yesterday because we are flaky people 😉

Alright, this post has only taken me like 9 days to write, so NOT BAD!  I am off to take a shower, make a few appointments (dentist and hair- to get it straightened, can’t wait), and then I need to go for a walk cause gotta get those 10,000 steps! 


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