On Deleting Instagram

bruja's bakery instagram

I did it… I finally did something I have been thinking about doing for a long time.  I deleted Instagram (not my account, just the app).  A couple of weeks ago, I was scrolling mindlessly (like I usually do) and just feeling jealous towards everyone at their pool parties, lake days, beach days, and just the fact that I’m here in the freezing cold and smogginess of Santiago (and yes I sound like a spoiled brat!) and it seems like everyone else is just having a great summer (which is a ridiculous thing to feel because obviously people make their Instagram a HIGHLIGHT reel of their life- no one shows the boring stuff).  Anyway, without thinking, I closed the app and just deleted it from my phone and that was that!  The first day I definitely kept hovering over the space on the screen where the app used to be, but after a day, that feeling of needing to check Instagram disappeared and NOW I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!  Bruja's Bakery instagram

It was always SO easy and tempting to mindlessly scroll through the app.  I felt connected to these “influencers” that I followed and almost had this compulsion that when there was new content, I had to watch it before moving on and actually doing something productive with my day.  Instagram was often the first thing I checked in the morning and the last thing I checked before I went to bed (but to be fair, I did start putting my phone on airplane mode from 10 pm to 9 am a few months back, and that was helpful), but the way I could be on the metro for 25 mins without ever looking up because I was sucked into someone’s story was a little sickening.  

Maybe this only happened to me, but sometimes after looking at Instagram for awhile, I would finally look up and feel like I was in some sort of a trance- like a big accident could have happened and I might not have noticed!  Actually, right before deleting it, I found a dollar on the ground and immediately thought I would have missed that if I were on Instagram!  And I estimate that I was checking the app 30-50 times a day, sometimes minutes after JUST checking it.  If that doesn’t say problem, I don’t know what does.  Get out of class, immediately check IG.  Wait for something in the oven, check IG.  Wake up, check IG.  With all of the being said, I KNEW it was a problem while I did it, but I often felt that I should keep it because I enjoy “seeing what others are up to”, and “connecting”, and to be honest, the little escape was nice, but I always hated the compulsion I felt to check it AS SOON AS I had a free second.  Have I reconnected with people I haven’t talked to in a long time?  Yes.  Have I been able to keep up with who got married, bought houses, had kids, got divorced, moved, had more kids?  Yes.  Do I really honestly care at all about any of it?  No.  In the end, it just makes us compare ourselves against everyone else!  I felt like it was bad (and often felt sort of low energy after looking at IG for so long), but I also felt like it was something that was joy producing at times (which could be true), but then I deleted it and I can safely say…I am better off without it.

Benefits I have noticed: 

  • Less life comparison
  • More energy
  • Less fatigue (also I am sleeping a lot)
  • More time to read
  • More time to do other mindless things
  • Less jealousy or bad feelings
  • Being more concerned with what I am doing and less with what others are doing
  • Sleeping better

To be honest, I thought it would be difficult, but I don’t miss it.  I have read 2 books in 2 weeks and could probably read more if I found more books I enjoyed.  I have been re-downloading the app every 2-3 days to make a post on my Bruja’s Bakery account because I DO believe that Instagram is an important part of my business as a way to market my items, but also connect with my customers.  I have been uploading a photo, checking comments on it 2 times over the next couple hours and then re-deleting it and I can safely say that I haven’t at all been tempted to check anyone’s stories while I’ve been back.  It’s lost it’s sparkle (for now), and I am thoroughly enjoying the break! 

I won’t say I won’t ever go back, but the break has been rejuvinating and refreshing.  I will need to see how to work Instragram back into my life come September when it will play a larger role in my work, but for now, it’s good.  

If you feel any of the things I described above, considering doing a little IG cleanse!  Go cold turkey.


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