Free Museums in Madrid

Madrid offers a great selection of art and cultural museums, and while most are not ALWAYS free, most of them are free at certain times during the week.  In this post, I made a list of the best museums in Madrid as when as well as when the museums are free in Madrid.  See below […]

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The Magic Man: Getting Robbed in Madrid

Before coming to Spain, people will warn you over and over to “watch your things” because petty crime and theft is common here, especially in areas with a lot of tourists.  We heard it over and over again, and yet, it’s easy to think “I’m on top of things and that won’t happen to me”.  […]

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Cocinando II

Hey, hey! How was your weekend?  Mine was a good one!  Relaxing, too productive, and fun.  I have a small cold, so I have been laying low, trying to get better.  Friday, I went with my roommate to do this voice recording this for an hour (hey 30 Euro) and then went to Retiro with […]

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The Great Relaxer Hunt: RESULTS!

**If you don’t want to see a bunch of selfies of me, then exit this post now (Ollin…) and I will see you tomorrow, maybe..maybe not.** A few weeks ago, I went on The Great Relaxer Hunt here in Madrid.  After two impossibly long weeks of waiting, I FINALLY had my hair done at Corte […]

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The Most Beautiful Day!

Yeah, sure…the weather is nice enough.  But I’m not talking about the weather….I’m talking about……….. Sound the trumpets. And yes, I know I could have been using, but it wouldn’t work on my computer because of some sort of proxy that I have on my computer so I can use the wifi at school.  […]

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Ah Sunday.  It was just Friday, wasn’t it?  This weekend went way too quickly, but that means it was a good one. 🙂 Last time we chatted, it was Friday and I was off to run a bunch of errands.  I did all of that, taught a private lesson, stopped at Cien Montaditos (I do […]

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San Sebastian Weekend.

I went on my first vacation from the vacation this weekend! Annie and I headed to San Sebastián, which is in the north of Spain (Basque Country), borders Portugal and is on the Atlantic Ocean….except it does NOT look like Atlantic City.  The water is…not brown. I am actually typing the skeleton of this post […]

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