Hello out there! This is Tamara, the girl who used to write on here de vez en cuando and now has zero tiempo, or better yet, has zero tiempo where I am at home and feel like writing. I don’t really feel like writing right now either, but it’s relatively early (9.23 pm) and I […]
HEY! The First Week & 5 Things I Learned
Hello hello from my kitchen in my bakery… who thought I would ever say that! Not me! But here we are and I am very happy to be here! Today is Tuesday, January 21 and it’s pouring rain, so it’s been a quiet, but cozy day in the bakery. Despite the quietness, we are almost […]
2019 in Review!
Hey there! I’ve missed you all and have missed writing about life, food, travel, bakery updates, but the truth is I have just had NO time to sit down and write. It’s not like I am up and out and about all day everyday, but writing here takes mental energy that I usually have until […]
Remember Me?
It hasn’t even been that long since I’ve written anything here, yet it feels like ages. Time has never passed so quickly, yet at the same time, so slowly in my entire life. The hours and days and weeks pass by in a flash, but I also feel as though I am living weeks worth […]
Pie Week 2019, Thanksgiving, Updates, & More
Well, hello there! And Happy Belated Thanksgiving! I feel like I am coming out of a hazy, pumpkin-scented fog! I haven’t checked in on here because not only have I not had time to sit down and write anything- I’ve barely had time to eat real, put-together meals, take showers that are longer than 4 […]
Things I Do to Make Sure I Stay Sane
Hello hello! Look at me popping in in THE MIDDLE OF THE WEEK! I have about 17 minutes before I need to go run out the door for a meeting with an architect, but I wanted to pop in to say hello, tell you I am still alive, and to share a few things that […]
Friday Five: November 15
Hello there! WOW it is already Friday- I literally cannot believe it. Time used to go fast (I thought), but now I constatly feel like my head is spinning and I wake up every morning and it’s already Friday. Just a lot going on at one time, I guess! Last night, I was standing in […]
The Tale of a Stressful Day
Yesterday was one of those days that was just extremely stressful. It was like one thing on top of the next and I felt like I was putting out little fires, one after the next. Nothing legitimately bad happened, of course, but the day was exhausting to say the least. With that being said, I […]
A Big Moment
Hello and Happy Tuesday! Things have been insane around here and likely the people reading this blog already know (hey Mom and Dad), BUTTTT for the sake of (again) having something to refer to for my future intereview for the Forbes Magazine Billionaire Edition, I am here to tell you the big news! I signed […]
Living in Bruja’s Bakery: 5 Things You Must Do When Opening a Business in Madrid
Wow, it’s been awhile since I have written about opening a real Bruja’s Bakery here in Madrid! These posts – the Living in Bruja’s Bakery posts- are supposed to be a way to document this adventure of creating an online bagel business, all the way to opening a real brick & mortar shop. So much […]