Testing: 1, 2, 3

Wow, it’s been…months since I have posted anything.  It wasn’t the right time for me to blog.  I set high expectations for myself and got discouraged when they weren’t met (ie: blog three times per day and get bunches and bunches of comments).  It just doesn’t happen like that and maybe (hopefully) this time around, I’ll be able to remember that not only am I just beginning this blogging journey, but I am also doing this for me.  I think the idea of having a place to record my life is amazing.  If anyone wants to be a part of that, that’s awesome, but if not, that’s okay too.  It is my life after all!

So, what have these last few months looked like?

  • A summer spent life guarding
  • A vacation to Cape Cod with my family, full of hikes, bike rides, beach time and great homemade ice cream
  • A semester spent as a Resident Assistant; learning the ropes.
  • A semester spent trying to figure my life out…you know, where it might lead?
  • A semester full of adventures with this guy:


The semester is just about ending.  I literally have no plans for break, which is both exciting and terrifying.  Exciting because who knows what the free time will bring?!  So many opportunities to do anything that I want!  I really want to take an art class so maybe this will be the time!

Terrifying because I thrive on living by a schedule and all this free time might make me crazy.  Rest assured, lots of recipe testing will be happening!

Until next week….

Question: What has life been like in the last 6 months?!

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  1. I also just posted my first post in.. well I guess it was only since September, but I had fallen off for a while there to maybe one post every month and a half. Do the art class! I feel like I have all these things I want to do but never end up doing. OH well. I’m definitely one to go crazy with too much free time. Maybe more kitchen experimenting? And lots of social time. 🙂

    1. I would love to have lots of social time, but it seems like everyone else has plans except me! I’ll figure out a way to fill the time and maybe I’ll actually blog about it 🙂 thanks for commenting!