The First Weekend Post-Post-Bacc (Plus a few more days)

Happy Monday!

As I write this, the girl that I babysit is taking a nap and I actually have time to write this instead of needing to study or “study” for this or that.  It feels goooood to have nothing to do, but on the other hand, I feel a sense of “loss” now that my post-bacc program is over (as weird as that sounds).  I know that I’ll get to see all of my friends often (I HOPE!), but it’s weird knowing that I won’t be going downtown every day.  I definitely had more fun and made better friends than I ever imagined before starting this program.  It’s weird to think that-basically up until my first day of class- I was considering deferring my enrollment.  I’m so glad I chose to go through with the program and when I look back on the last few months, I honestly have NO idea where the time went.  Aw, makes me sad!! Anyway, here are a bunch of pictures from the weekend and a few from last week (finals week!!)

Pre-physics final breakfast!  Oatmeal with PB and banana and black coffee.

IMG_0003I put this picture on Instagram (@tlcohen91) and said that I was hoping the good stuff in each of those would help me get an A on my physics final.  Nooooot quite!  But I did get an A in the class by the Grace of God or SOMETHING.

And after the final, we celebrated with ice cream!

IMG_0005So they don’t know I took that picture.  Ooops.

Again, if you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen this picture or one that is very similar.

IMG_0007Teddy HATES going for walks.  He will walk a few houses down, but he always wants to turn around.  This picture was taken on our neighbors lawn where he refused to move from.  So stubborn.

Breakfast pre-Day of Orgo Studying.


For extra brain power?  Oatmeal // oatbran // Greek yogurt // maple syrup // raspberries

My little lunch (and dinner / breakfast / snack) buddy.


Whenever I’m eating, he sits on my lap and either sleeps or watches my food.  Sometimes he steals something off my plate, but only when he thinks I’m not watching.

And this…


….needs no explanation.

April is the month of birthdays!

IMG_0024Russ (and his twin brother, Matt), Russ’ mom, my mom AND my brother, Leland!  Birthdays, birthdays, birthdays.  My mom made a bangin’ carrot cake for Leland’s birthday.  It’s almost gone 😉

My breakfast of choice all weekend!

IMG_0030Sauteed spinach // scrambled eggs // avocado // roasted potatoes (usually toast, too)

Pre-organic chemistry final.


A little sibling photo.  Why can’t I ever just smile…

And post-final festivities!!!

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We were drinking Jungle Juice a la Cecil.

Saturday morning was my first day of work, so a needed something to keep me full.


I really think I just love butter and bread and I eat the eggs and spinach because it makes me feel healthier.  Just butter and bread, please.

While I was at work, my mom was busy cookin’ up a storm.


Before I even got through the door, she was handing me spoonfuls of dip to try.  Homemade hummus!  Greek yogurt dip (of some sort)!, Roasted Beet and Tahini dip!  And I brought the veggies.

And then I saw my faaaavorite people from college on Saturday night!!


I saw Bobby, Christine and Justin and it was almost like old times, but we consumed less alcohol 😉  And when I took that picture, it looked a lot lighter at the time.  I had to lighten it so much just to get to the point that you’re seeing!  Sheesh.

On Sunday morning, we had Family Brunch!IMG_0045-001

Dad and I made homemade waffles (plain and blueberry) and fruit salad.IMG_0047

The rest of Sunday was spent napping, going to the gym, and then on Sunday night, Russ and I won the 59th Find Me Philly challenge!!!!


It’s a game where a guy posts pictures around Philadelphia.  You have 13 minutes to be the first to get to him and win $100. I was standing in my kitchen looking at Instagram and I saw a picture posted about 2 minutes from my house!  I nearly had an aneurysm and yelled to Russ so that we could go.  Never mind the number of traffic laws that we broke, we won $100!  It was fun and the guy that does the challenge is super nice.  If you don’t follow him on Instagram or twitter, you should!  (@FindMePhilly)

After that excitement, I had the usual for breakfast this morning.IMG_0050

Only 3 more hours of babysitting!  Wish me luck 😉  And enjoy the warm (ish) weather!IMG_0054

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