What a depressing title, huh?!?!
I know I sound like a broken record, but I CANNOT believe how fast this summer went by. One day I was saying how much I wanted homemade waffles, then came home to a big stack of homemade waffles, decided we should have Family Sunday Brunch, and the next thing I know- here I am, writing this post on the last Sunday of my summer.
I am really, really not ready for the summer to end quite yet. It feels like it’s just getting started! The sunshine, the bright mornings, the big bowls of ice cream and spending every day at the pool. But I suppose the good thing about the seasons is the way they always seem to reappear in no time.
Anyway, this Sunday was the last brunch of the summer and it also happened to be my favorite brunch. It had yummy food, my incredible family, Russ, and the cutest baby, ever. Am I right?! He thought Russ was hilarious. Or maybe just funny looking 😉
While brunch every Sunday has been something that I have looked forward to each week, this week’s brunch was especially fun. It felt very relaxed, which isn’t always the case as we try to get everything together!
But my dad had it under control. While I made a fruit salad with cherries, peaches, blueberries, strawberries and plums, my dad worked on the main part of our brunch- gluten-free waffles and pancakes, and regular blueberry and m&m pancakes. The baby seems to have some sort of gluten-intolerance, so we tried our hand at a [boxed mix] of gluten-free pancake/waffle mix. Despite being a little…crispy…they were actually really yummy! Especially paired with homemade whipped cream. Mmmmm so good.
The regular pancakes, on the other hand, were a little tough to get off the griddle!
Russ and dad put a little elbow grease in and managed to get them free!
While we prepared the food, everyone chatted, sipped espresso, and played with the newest member of our family!
I know that when I’m back at school, I really will miss these Sunday mornings; cooking and joking around with Dad, while we prepare something special for everyone.
But I’m a mere 50 minutes away from home, so I’ll be sure to be home to continue this tradition that has become something I truly look forward to every week. My family has tried traditions in the past- game night, movie night, etc., but each has failed. The missing component? Food and creativity. Sunday Brunch has been the best tradition we have attempted to start and it’s one that I will uphold! At least I plan to…
Already looking forward to the next one.
Life is good!