What I Ate Wednesday: Madrid Style

Wow, it has been for-ev-er since I have done a What I Ate Wednesday post (and actually, this draft has been in my dashboard for over a month).  I used take pictures of my food every day, but these days, I find myself hardly ever taking pictures of my food.  Usually because by the time I sit down to eat, I am on the verge of death so there is not time for a picture.  That being said, I still do take SOME pictures, so I’m going to share them with you today!

The weekdays are almost always the same, with a standard breakfast, snack at school, lunch is usually leftovers and vegetables, which is the same for dinner.  And ice cream…every night.

BreakfastIMG_1134Two slices of toast with cream cheese and strawberry jelly // one egg // coffee

But really…eggs

ORIMG_0479Oats // milk // banana // coffee (and peanut butter)


I always buy a coffee once I arrive at school because I swear they put sedatives into the air on the bus.  Sleeeeeeppppppp.

OK.  So I wrote this post so long ago that much of that breakfast routine has changed.  A few weeks ago, after many days of feeling like garbage at school- completely exhausted and light- headed, I decided to cut out gluten from my diet (during the week only).  Now, I eat the oatmeal breakfast you see above every morning, and drink my coffee at home.  I have been feeling SO MUCH BETTER, but I think a lot of it is psychological, because when I eat gluten-laden things on the weekend…and beer…I don’t feel like garbage (but I don’t feel completely normal, either).  Anyways, I don’t know.  Oatmeal has been breakfast, period.


Banana // handful (or 5) of peanuts

*Some days this changes and I will eat things like: apple with Laughing Cow (type) cheese wedge, carrots, clementine, vegetables.


Brown rice // sauteed chicken // sauteed vegetables + an apple + peanut butter

ORIMG_0979Chili with cheese

Or today’s lunch (in real time!!!)IMG_1623Deconstructed Enchilada- rice // beans // roasted peppers, onions and butternut squash with chilis // cheese // cilantro // salsa // chicken

I made an “Enchilada Casserole” this weekend, which is basically the ingredients listed above…in layered casserole form (plus corn tortillas and more cheese)Casserole


More peanuts or a rice cake with peanut butter or a clementine, etc.

DinnerIMG_0891“Chicken fried rice” with veggies // brown rice // chicken // soy sauce // scrambled egg (I know this looks DISGUSTING)

Another night:IMG_1400

Rice // 2 fried eggs // tomato sauce // salt

Another night:IMG_1505

This is what I eat ~3x/ week- sauteed veggies // rice // cheese // chicken.  Tastes better than it looks.


Ice cream or chocolate with tea.


Sometimes I have tea or more rice cakes, depending on what time dinner was eaten.  Usually I eat dinner around 9 pm and head to bed around 10:30, so I don’t need much of a snack.


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