5 Things to Do Over Christmas Break.


How was your weekend?  My weekend was so good!  It began on Thursday night with drinks, Friday was spent doing my normal Friday thing (plus an intercambio at a cafe) and then a farewell dinner with Annie and Kristen.  Annie left for the U.S on Saturday morning, so we had dinner at Lateral and drinks at La Surena.  Then Netflix and sweatpants…  Saturday, I had two goals.  Exercise and go shopping.  Check and check.  Saturday night, went out to dinner again, which was great as per usual.  Sunday, I had no plans so Kristen and I went shopping for a bit, I cooked some food for the week, and then watched 3+ hours of Netflix.  Ah, life.  That brings us to right now, Monday.  Done school, about to nap, and after a one hour lesson, Kristen and I are goin’ dancin’!


Today is the first day of Christmas Break!!!!  It doesn’t feel all that exciting since I only worked 3 hours today.  It technically started today, but felt like it started on Thursday.  Either way, I am so, so, so thrilled to have a weeks off!  Away from children!  🙂

So here are 5 things I am hoping to do this Christmas break!  (In no particular order)

1.  Spend a lot of time with MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!  They’re coming to visit and will be here in T-minus 5 days.  I can’t wait to be a little tour guide for them!  Wish Leland could join us as well, but hopefully on the next trip!IMG_0002

2.  Travel.  This goes with the whole parents visiting thing.  But I hope we get to….Sevilla, Salamanca, Cordoba, Granada, Toledo and Segovia.Cordoba

3.  Eat churros y chocolate and other pastries.  I live in Spain.  I live in Madrid.  I have never had churros y chocolate or any other bakery pastry!  Help.cyc

4.  Watch: Elf, The Polar Express, finish season 2 of Orange is the New Black.  I have such a love/ hate relationship with OITNB.  Right now I like it, but I’m hoping to get through it before I get bored again.oitnb

ALSO!!! If you haven’t heard!!!  Netflix is coming out with TWO exciting series this year!  They will be premiering Fuller House- a spin-off of Full House in late February of 2016 ANDDDDD they will be releasing four 90-minute episodes (movies, essentially) of Gilmore Girls!  I AM SO EXCITED and my life is so sad.

5.  See Sol on New Years or around Christmas.  I think it will be absolutely insane and probably the closest I’ll ever get to being in Times Square on New Year’s.  newyears

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