Annual Cross Country Pasta Party

Hey there!

Where did we leave off?  Oh yes, talking about the pasta party.


During XC [Cross Country] in high school, we had a potluck pasta party at someone’s house before each meet.  It was a good way to bond before a big race, have some fun to ease our nerves, and make predictions for the next day.  Running cross country during high school was a big source of stress for me (which is strange because I was not all that great…or good), but it was, by far, one of the best experiences that I had during high school.


Since going to college, we have kept up the pasta party tradition (<– Link to last year’s post!) sans the running part [but we don’t miss it ;)].  I look forward to it every year as a time to catch up with everyone and see what they’ve been up to with their new friends, at their new schools and new jobsFlashback from last year


Only three of the people in the above photo were able to make it this year, but we still had a lot of fun.  The pasta party was held at my house this year and I think this was the first time I ever had a “dinner party” without my parents helping.  Big girl moments.  I spent the afternoon making lasagna, Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie, Salted Caramel Pretzel Topped Brownies, garlic bread, and green beans


I was running around like a mad woman, but I got everything done and had a few minutes to spare before people showed up!  Slowly, but surely, everyone trickled in.  In true XC fashion, no one wants to be the first to show up 🙂  When everyone arrived, there were more pasta and desserts than I could imagine.


For dinner we had:

  • Lasagna
  • Garlic Bread
  • Green Beans
  • Rice
  • Tomato Pie
  • Macaroni and Cheese

And then there was dessert…


  • Caramel-Pretzel BrowniesDSC_0106
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie [with beans!]
  • Magic BarsDSC_0100
  • Crack Bars
  • Butterscotch-Chip Bars
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • I think I am forgetting something.

Talk about sugar overload.  We chatted and took lots of pictures.


Besides the food, I really loved seeing everyone and talking about what everyone is currently doing and will be doing.  It’s so hard to believe that almost FOUR YEARS have gone by since I graduated high school.  Many of the girls have graduated college and have big girl jobs.  I’ll be graduating in five months.  As things change and we all do bigger and better things, I hope that we are able to continue to find one night a year to come together and hang out, catch up, and stuff ourselves to the brim!  

Oh, and some things just never change…  🙂


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