I know I write about having fun and eating unhealthy food often…but….I still do workout! Multiple times a week, actually. I should get back to writing about it, so here’s to doing just that! Cheers and have a great weekend!
Saturday: Rest (But I worked at a wedding for 12 hours and was on my feet the entire time! That counts!)
Sunday: 8.5 miles in the Broad Street Run + 10 miles of walking. My Fitbit said I covered 38,000 steps and over 18 miles!
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Rest (worked)
Wednesday: 8.2 mile run around Philadelphia–> Art Museum–>Boathouse Row–>Old City
Thursday: 2 mile run, 5 minute bike ride, and then my BodyPUMP-Inspired workout
Friday: [anticipated] 1 mile walk to the gym, assortment of Kettlebells exercises and 1 mile walk home