Since everyone is well aware of my dedicated love affair with breakfast, I thought it would be nice to change things up and share some weekly lunches! I usually spend the majority (read:the entire) day at school and I have a goal to never spend money on food…so…I carry it all in my handy dandy LUNCH BOX! #momstatus. I am at school from 8 am- 6/7/8 pm most days, and usually the food I bring isn’t quite enough to get me through comfortably, but I’m working on it! I am usually onthevergeofdeath hungry when I get home, but this holds me over through the lunch hours.
Last week, I worked on bringing extra snacks + 1 and then 1 more and 1 more just in case. This week, I will be bringing 10 more.
TuesdayChobani Apple and Cinnamon yogurt // Pasta with tomato sauce and sausage // TJs Pumpkin Croutons and Cheddar Puff Deliciousness // Salad with arugula, spinach, cucs, carrots, tomato, avocado, dressing // apple // egg
WednesdayCucs, carrots, peppers // TJs Cheddar Puff Popcorn // apple // banana // pasta with tomato sauce and sausage // Mango Chobani // egg
Thursdaycarrots // egg // Turkey, cheese, sriacha sandwich c/o Russ // Mango Chobani // unphotoed other food I ate in the mornin’
FridayEgg // pretzel sticks // pear // Chobani Cherry // carrots and cucs // PB & strawberry J
Best lunch goes to Tuesday, with a close second to the PB&SJ on Friday. Notable snack mentions go to TJs Popcorn and PB filled pretzels. Not-all-that-great winner: Pumpkin cornbread croutons.
Also consumed during the day: Largeandincharge bowl of PB and SJ and big cup o’ Joe.
And that’s all she wrote!
Happy Tues!