Closing the Chapter

I’m interrupting my normally scheduled programming of obnoxiously slamming you with Italy posts to live blog for a second.   My roommate is running around the apartment, collecting last minute things here and there because she is moving home after being in Madrid for 3 years.  She was in Spain for an additional semester before […]

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Italy: Florence (Exploring)

For whatever reason, I was excited to see Florence, but not as excited as I was for some of our other stops.  Of course, I ending up loving it…or loving the things we did there….or a combination!  Then again, I said I loved every city.  But Florence blew me away in it’s size (or apparent size- […]

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Italy: Venice for 1 Day

The second day, we were up before the sun came up to head to Venice!  In one word: Italian Disney World.  Ok, 3 words. VENICE Since Venice is complete tourism (really, I’ve heard its e m p t y at night) and the touristy part is on an island, it is quite expensive to stay […]

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Italy: Milan for 1 Day

I seriously have no idea where to begin.  How do you recap such an amazing trip in just a few posts, with just a few photos (when you have almost 2,000)?  How do you put into the words the magic of Italy, of every city we visited?  It’s close to impossible, but I’m going to […]

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Checking In VI

Making: this cous-cous salad.  It’s so light for summer, but hefty enough to fill you up. Cooking:  not much, but I have been making corn bread for the last week.  Yogurt-corn bread to be exact.  It’s so easy and so light! Drinking: iced tea.  I make a couple cups of strongly spiced hot tea and then add more […]

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A Typical Tuesday!

Hi!  I thought I would show you what my day looked like yesterday (Tuesday), which is quite standard on the auxiliar and teaching front. 7:55 // My alarm goes off, so I hop out of bed and snooze for another 9 minutes of sleep. 8:04 // I get up for real because I am supposed […]

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June Weekend.

Hi!  Happy Tuesday, friends!  How is it already June….and even crazier, how is it my last week of work?!  I feel like this year just flew by and with all of my May trips (Israel and the USA), the end came quickly.  Despite still having a few days of work left, the days feel like the […]

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