Day 8: Puno and Lake Titicaca

Hey!  Lets see how much I can get down in one post.  Bare (or is bear?) with me!  I have a looooot of pictures.  (BUT THEY´RE BEAUTIFUL AND WORTH SEEING!) But the post incredible part about all of the pictures you will see in this post (and every post here, for that matter) is they […]

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Off to Peru.

Happy Thursday!   It’s almost the weekend!  What will you be doing? I’m just popping in to share some exciting news with everyone that is not already aware: Tomorrow, I will be leaving for a one month trip to Cusco, Peru!  I will be staying with a host family and volunteering with children in a daycare […]

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Punta Cana Recap.

Hi Everyone! ***Be warned- I wrote SO MUCH! So last week, I beat around the bush and told ya’ll that I would be away, but I didn’t say where.  As the title suggests, I was in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic with Russy.  I didn’t say where I was going because I never really talk about […]

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Memorial Day Weekend Through the Lens

Hi Friends! I hope you had a super picnic-beach-BBQ-beer-and most importantly–thanking our current and former troops-WEEKEND!  I didn’t leave the house one time (except for a couple of runs), and it was great!  I stayed around here, hanging out with the fam, making good use of the grill, and some friends even came to hang […]

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Fitness Friday: Memorial Day Weekend

Good Afternoon, friends! I hope you have grand plans for grilled food, pools (?!?), and friends and family! We don’t exactly have much planned (as in, we have nothing planned), but I know there will be some grillin’! If you can squeeze in 30 minutes between the burgers and brats, there is a quick running […]

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